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Things To Do When You Need a Pick-Me-Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Everyone has those days that never seem to end, the ones filled with emotional turmoil, or oppositely, anything interesting at all. Regardless of why you feel down, there are some things that you can do to easily brighten your own day.

  1. Smiling: No matter how annoying it sounds, it is scientifically proven that smiling can improve your mood. As demonstrated by studies on the subject, the act of smiling produces serotonin and dopamine. These two hormones have been proven to be released when people are experiencing an increase in happiness, as they reduce stress and the symptoms associated with it such as increased heart rate, aches or pains, and more.

  2. Invest in Something New: Whether it be a movie, a show, a book, or a hobby, try to step outside the regular activities of your life! Not only will this be an opportunity to take a moment to remove yourself from the events of the day, but it could be the start of a new passion. Maybe finding a new author who really speaks to you is exactly the voice of reason you need!

  3. Talk to Someone/Journal: Sometimes you just need a good vent session or heart to heart. Turn to friends, family, a professional, or a journal to express yourself free of judgment, or perhaps with some critiques, if that’s what you need, the choice is yours.

  4. Play Dress-Up: If you feel your sexiest in a pair of sweatpants and your raggedy t-shirt then wear it. If you feel at home in the dress Tiana wore in Princess and the Frog, lounge on the couch in a hoop skirt. If you want to go about your day in your birthday suit, feel free (Just make sure not to do that in public to avoid violating actual laws). The point is, don’t let your outward appearance dictate how you feel Instead, let it give you the confidence booster you need to feel at peace.

  5. “Treat Yo Self”: This is an all-inclusive category. It could be anything from a shopping spree to letting yourself sleep in an extra hour. The point is, allow yourself to do something you would not often do that you see as self-care. You can define what that is for yourself. Eat a pint of ice cream, meditate, take a bubble bath, the world is your oyster.

Emerson contributor