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Simple Ways to Become A Better Chef While Social Distancing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

I received Meal and a Spiel from Wunderkind PR. This in no way affects my recommendation or overall article. 

I have no cooking skills. Zero. If you are like me, I can barely make ramen and grilled cheese without burning down the house. It always seemed like the ability to cook was this exclusive club that most adults above the age of 25 were in and I was not. So, I never bothered to learn. However, since COVID-19 decided to rear its ugly head now, leaving us with an exorbitant amount of free time, I suppose it’s time to finally learn some cooking skills! Today, I’m going to talk about some simple ways to learn how to become a better chef while social distancing!   


This seems like the most boring option, but hear me out! Cookbooks are one of the most helpful yet underrated tools to gain cooking skills. One cookbook I have been loving lately has been Meal and a Spiel: How to Be a Badass in The Kitchen by Elena Horwich. I love this one in particular because it doesn’t expect you to turn into a professional chef by the final page. It’s more there to be a resource as to how to fall in love with cooking, which is particularly what I need! There is never a drought in cookbooks being published, so I definitely recommend checking some out! 

Online Classes/Videos

We live in the era of the internet, so why not utilize it for cooking? Even if you are not a regular chef, you may even watch YouTube cooking channels such as Bon Appétit. If you are a frequent YouTube viewer in general, it may be worth it to start checking out some channels! Here’s a list of 25 YouTube channels to sink your teeth into. The author of the previously mentioned cookbook also does bi-weekly Instagram/Facebook Live classes in lieu of in-person cooking classes! There are so many online resources about cooking, so you might as well look into it while we have the time!

Learn From Family/Recipes in Your Family

If you are quarantining with your family, you may be starting to get a little tired of being around them. However, they may be one of the most underrated sources to gain some cooking skills! Ask your family members to teach you how to cook one of their favorite meals or assist them in making a meal. Additionally, look into some of your family’s traditional recipes to continue on the tradition while getting first hand experience! Win Win!

Olivia is a sophomore Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College. At any given moment, you can find her talking about books on her blog, petting dogs in the Boston Common, or impulse buying a plant or two. Ask her what musical she is currently listening to; she's dying to tell you.
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