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Kayla Bacon-Girl Standing Across The Street 2
Kayla Bacon-Girl Standing Across The Street 2
Kayla Bacon / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

As a woman walking down the street alone, the comments I get from random men range from just ridiculous to plain creepy. I once had a man stop his car at a red light and yell at me with his head stuck out through the sunroof until people started honking at him. 

What was I doing that was so enticing, you might ask? I was walking down the street in sweatpants… and smiling. This might seem strange, but I happen to like going for walks, and smiling tends to accompany the feeling of happiness. 

In the beginning, all the attention was flattering. Men thought I was pretty. I didn’t even think I was pretty, so it was a real treat. But, it began to get worse.

The comments got more sexual. Men tried to grab me. A man in a business suit tried to physically drag me down the street to a “party” in broad daylight and no one did anything. A group of boys got mad when I didn’t respond to them saying I was hot, and they chased me back to my dorm. 

I spoke to some people and they all said this was happening because I looked “too happy” while I was walking. “You just need to stare at the ground, earbuds in, looking like you want to kill somebody and they’ll leave you alone.”

I took that advice, and it does work. I walk briskly, mouth turned down in a frown and eyes glaring at nothing in particular when I should be overjoyed because how can you not be when you’re listening to the soundtrack of Annie

This article is not about how to get men to leave you alone. I don’t know that yet. The walking bitch face isn’t foolproof, because some men will stop at nothing to get your attention. Although yelling: “I’m fourteen years old!” works well. 

This article is about how I began to hate going for walks, about how I had to change myself and my personality for others who refused to take a hint and how frowning brings down my mood no matter how positive the music is I am listening to. 

I want to be able to look however I want to while doing any activity I love, but I also want to be able to feel safe. Safety always takes priority. 

So, yes I now have a walking bitch face, but it’s only because I’m angry that I can’t smile. 

Men in 2020, especially “nice guys”: leave us alone. You’re not being nice. No one “nice” yells about what they want to do to your body while following you down the street. 

Olivia is a senior Creative Writing Major from New Hampshire. She loves to ice skate, write novels, and bake, as well as spend time with her elderly rabbit, who is the true star of the show.
Emerson contributor