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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Toward the end of high school, I played a game where I would guess which ones of my classmates would go out for Greek life. I lived in a preppy area, and the kids I went to school with were in some ways already a part of a frat or sorority with sports teams. I don’t know anyone else who would bleach their hair for a cause except for my high school’s swim team and fraternities and sororities. The idea of shaving off your hair for a sense of brotherhood was reserved for the varsity lacrosse team and Greek life enthusiasts. To be fair, my perception of Greek life was very limited, solely based on what I had seen through media and the tales my step-dad shared  every now and then. It seemed like a ridiculous concept to me; why? Probably because I had illusions of white dresses, too much alcohol, and living in a house with way too many girls. The picture perfect sorority girl had blonde hair, didn’t buy CVS brand shampoo, and was someone who lived for the sake of philanthropy. I saw all my classmates who shared bonds like that of Greek life members, and I couldn’t see myself standing among them in high school or in college.

February marks one year since Bid Day. If you ask me anything about Bid Day, I’ll tell you about a game of “What Do You Meme?” and a really long game of Mario Party. There were Instagram and phone number exchanges with the other pledges, all of us unaware of how much we would be seeing each other over the next semester. I left the celebration, and when I returned to my room, I called home. My mom laughed when I told her I had joined a sorority. She remembered teammates I didn’t connect with and the classmates who rubbed me the wrong way. She heard me complain about Girl Scouts and organization groups that forced people to be friends with each other.  She was there when I declared Greek life seemed like a waste of time; if I wanted to get hazed in college, I could just go to any house party in Allston.

Her laughter wasn’t odd. It made more sense than my bid acceptance. I preferred myself as my only company. I wasn’t into going out. I didn’t even have many friends that were girls until I got into middle school. I was pessimistic and thought I was way cooler than I am— if I was joining a sorority, the world must be spinning in the opposite direction.

I joined by accident if that keeps my reputation in tact. Obviously, I had an idea of what I was doing when I accepted the bid, but leading up to the bid, I had no clue. My roommate and I stumbled across the sorority at the club fair when looking for another club. I signed the interest paper to be polite and didn’t think about it again. At least not until my friend discovered my polite interest and asked me to come to the events with them. I just showed up to where I was told to go by Facebook, only to find a new home.

I don’t wear white dresses. My hair isn’t blonde. I have never squealed with a group of girls. I’ll tell you the truth: my sorority isn’t like that. I have come to learn that there is nothing wrong with the sororities seen on TV; it just isn’t the type of sorority for me. Sigma Pi Theta is the best place for me, a place where I can grow and thrive with the support of 20 sisters I consider my best friends. In my sorority, we wear t-shirts and mom jeans, the hair colors are constantly changing from brown to black to blue and green, and we may not have squealed together, but I do remember crying over Avicii’s death together. I found a place where I could be myself, where I could laugh and joke with everyone’s support. I found friends that will be around until the end. In my sorority, I found a family to guide and love me through and through. It might have been an accident, and it may not be the vibe I give off, but I am proud of my sorority.

In a couple of years, I will have a high school reunion. I’m in contact with very few people since graduation so I don’t know if my guessing game was accurate or not. I just know that I will be able to walk back through the doors of my high school and proudly discuss my experience with Greek life. I will gladly yell in front of my entire graduation class that I went through pledging, I have a Big (and hopefully a Little). I’m sisters with so many strong and beautiful women, including the creator of House Hunters (what’s up Tara). I left high school with a set attitude. Within my first semester of college, due to the people I met and the experiences I had, my attitude changed and it was the best thing to happen to me.

This is a love letter to my sorority and to anyone who wants to keep their mind close. There are great things in the world, and if you choose to ignore or avoid them, you’re going to be missing out on something great and life changing.

Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College, 2021
Emerson contributor