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Healthy Snacks That Won’t Ruin Your Diet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

My biggest downfall when it comes to dieting involves snacking. When I get hungry in between meals, my automatic reaction is to reach for the greasy chips or the candy. And once that has been done, it all goes downhill from there. But luckily for me and many others who are trying to cut back on the fattening foods, there are plenty of snacks out there that are of the healthy selection. We just have to look for them.

1. Fruit 

Sometimes called nature’s candy, fruit is a great mid-day snack to fulfill that craving for something sweet without all that processed sugar. Sure, some fruits still have quite a bit of natural sugar to them, but the nutrients gained make it a much better options than a bag of sugar-coated gummies. Also, some fruits contain a lot less sugar than others, so with a little bit of research you can come up with some low sugar fruit options.

2. Raw Almonds

As of recently, almonds have become a major addition into many food items: salads, baked good and trail mixes, just to name a few. But in addition to this, raw almonds are a perfect snack when you are craving something with a crunch. They contain fiber to suppress your appetite as well as protein to help build your muscles. While raw almonds are definitely the healthiest choice, there are roasted versions that are lightly salted for when you are craving something salty.

3. Dark Chocolate

Every once in a while, we all get a sudden craving for chocolate that simply cannot be satisfied by anything else. So when this occurs, it is okay to give in to the temptation and reach for chocolate. But instead of reaching for the ultra sugary candy bar, go for the dark chocolate. Not only is it significantly less fattening than milk chocolate, but there are also plenty of studies out there stating that dark chocolate is actually good for you!

Emerson contributor