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Internship Success 101: Summer Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Now that the end of the school year is rapidly approaching, summer is drawing near and internships are looming. I am currently a junior here at Elon University, and I will be commencing my final internship this summer in New York City. I could not be more grateful or excited, but also nervous.

Taking initiative with your career after graduation, and participating in internships during your time as a student at Elon is highly encouraged. Going through the process of receiving a coveted summer intern position can be particularly grueling and anxiety inducing, but that is only half the battle…you now have to perform and work, but don’t worry it’s fun!

Here are some helpful tips to earn yourself an experience of a lifetime, a glowing recommendation, or even a job offer upon completion

Don’t be Afraid of  “Intern” Office Tasks     

  • Coffee runs, sending/packing packages, running around town picking things up, organizing the office, and on and on…these are good ways to get to know the employees, as well as show your attention to detail. Your ability to both cover the basics and go above and beyond your role, without being asked, is very important. Proving your reliability and your value to the team or company starts with the small things and being proactive about them; in turn you will earn more responsibility and respect!

Ask Questions!

  • If you ever have a question about a task you have been assigned, or information about a specific position or company transaction, ask! You can only learn and get more information if you ask; they can’t read your mind. Being inquisitive allows you to expand your knowledge and skill base, as well as shows your interest. 

Dress the Part

  • I always say dress for success—it is always better to be over dressed than underdressed. At least show up on the first day ready for anything (including a meeting with top executives or high end clientele). A good first impression is very important, as odds are your employer has not yet had the chance to meet you in person. With that said, observe how the office culture functions, and what appropriate expectations for attire are for the rest of the summer.
  • Always keep comfortable walking shoes for commutes and errands!  

Ask for More Work

  • When you have finished a task, don’t just sit back and wait for more work. Take initiative and ask your superiors for more work. If they have nothing to give you at the moment, walk around the office and ask if you can do anything for anyone else. This is another good way to get better acquainted with the employees, but also expand your skills and experience.  

Ask to Shadow Other Departments or Conduct Informational Interviews with Your Boss

  • People love to talk about themselves, so take the opportunity to set a up a meeting with them at a convenient time for them. Whether it is in or out of the office, offer to buy them coffee or lunch (yes, you pay for it!), and come up with some questions about what they do, how they got their, and their goals for the future, as well as some advice for you!   

Document Your Experience and Accomplishments

  • Make sure to write down things you do on a daily basis, and projects you are involved in as you work on them; it might be hard to remember at the end of the internship or when you are updating your resume in the following year. Getting an accurate description and inventory of the skills and experiences you gained will be helpful in the future. 


  • Use your internship as an opportunity to expand your network. Whether it is solidifying your relationships with your bosses, coworkers, and peers, or grabbing business cards from literally everyone you encounter and introduce yourself to, you never know who can help you out in the future!