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5 Reasons Why You Should Make Being Outside More of a Habit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Spring is finally here and the forecast is looking up! It was a long and cold winter, so getting back into the habit of making an effort to get outside can be hard. During these hard times, it is easy to feel trapped in the house while staring at a computer screen taking online classes all day. Sometimes even just getting out of bed can seem like a push when it is so much easier to just do your work under your covers. Stepping outside, even if it’s just to take out your trash or go for a 10-minute walk with a friend, has incredible mental and physical benefits.

There has been so much research done about the holistic benefits of spending time outside. Besides the obvious reasons for going outside like getting a good tan and because Elon is so beautiful time this year, the outdoors plays a large role in our overall health and wellness. 


Reduce stress

The act of being outside has been scientifically proven to reduce your stress levels. Spending time outside actually lowers blood pressure, which can help you get rid of that built-up anxiety and stress that comes along with being a college student. Sitting on your front steps or even going for a quick walk will noticeably lower your stress levels.



People who spend more time outside are far more likely to engage in physical activities and exercise more frequently. Getting a sufficient amount of exercise is so important as it helps manage weight, improves memory and focus, leads to better sleep quality, and combats health issues related to your heart, lungs, and blood pressure.


Maintain Social Connections

Amidst the pandemic, it’s no secret that people felt socially disconnected from the world or maybe even to their friends. Going outside does not only allow you to reconnect with nature but also with people. Taking a walk around campus, you are bound to see a smile or a wave or even bump into someone you don’t keep in touch with frequently. Getting outside and seeing other people will undoubtedly make the world feel a little less lonely. 


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is so crucial to our health, and even as little as 5 minutes outside gets you enough of it. Vitamin D helps your bones, immune system, blood cells and allows your body the ability to absorb certain necessary minerals. The sun really does help you be the best you can be. 


Appreciation & Gratitude 

College is a very high-strung, difficult time. A lot is being thrown at you in what never seems like enough time to get it all done. It is so easy to get stuck in your own bubble, where your day-to-day issues seem like they engulf your whole world. Getting outside can help you remember that the world is so much bigger than you or your individual issues. Spending time with nature or going on a run can help refresh your mind and remind you that there is so much more than the task at hand and so much to be appreciative of and grateful for. 


Hi! My name is Annika Elwell and I am from Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut. I am a junior at Elon majoring in Strategic Communications with a minor in Leadership Studies.