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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Alright ladies, admit it:  This is one illness were all too guilty of.  What is it about this infection that we just cannot shake? Obviously, there are still good guys out there; I mean c’mon, I haven’t lost that much faith in humanity.  But why is it that the only cure to this disease is a tall glass of douchebag and a dosage of minor heartache. 

Let’s put it in a scene.  Your friends inform you of this great party happening tonight that you just must attend.  Excited, you begin to prepare for the festivities.  You’re looking fine, your outfit on fleek, hair luscious as ever, and your makeup could pass as professional in a drunken person’s eyes. It is destined to be a good night.  You arrive to the party and things seem promising. Later on, you and your friends are talking when it happens. 

You lock eyes with the parasite, which you witnessed it making out with a different victim just twenty minutes prior to your encounter. You quickly look away because you know of its contagions, and you’ve also heard that his number has gotten up to the double digits You quickly start to think of any home remedies to prevent the infection.  You talk to friends, you separate yourself from the situation, or you go get a drink, use the restroom; anything to avoid that good-looking organism. You have completed the antidotes; you think you’re in the clear.  You turn around and there he is.

Your mind in a blur, when he opens his mouth and you know it’s coming, that sneeze in the face that is going to infect you.  “Hey, I’m _____________, what’s your name?” You reluctantly reply, “Hi, I’m ________.” “You look great, can I get you a drink?” You could feel the fever settling in as you fell for the flattering words of the parasite that you would gladly reward with an 8 or a 9 on the attractiveness scale. Welp, It’s downhill from there; you’re intrigued.  You know what’s happening but you just can’t help it.  We know this kid is bad news but he’s charismatic and interesting, we have to give credit where it’s due. The whole encounter is inevitable.

I’m not a certified doctor by any means but I think it’s safe to say that this condition is incurable, but treatable. Your treatment requires knowing boundaries, having an open mind and starting out with your gaurd up, at least a little bit. Go ahead talk to him, it’s bound to happen at some point. Our will power is only so strong. But it’s just up to you to call the shots, and recognize the red flags. Approach all organisms with caution, because these parasites can be low-key and mischievous; one day you might just find yourself hanging out with a benign one.

Hi, I'm Reilly and I attend East Carolina University. I'm a Communications major with a focus on Public Relations. I aspire to be like Carrie Bradshaw... So here I am.