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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.


she tells him

her eyes flushing a

wild forest green that matches

the t-shirt she wore that morning,

the ratty holey grungy 

tattered cloth that perches gently 

on the dimples of her 

angular shoulder blades


she says again as his gait maintains forward mom-en-tum 

the humble shuffle of his soft feet

tip-tapping in a constant tempo


she says, one final time

and the curved arch of his back

transfigures, twists, squirms,

his muscles-

aching to be with her

not daring to turn back 

I am a first year at Duke University. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts and live with my five siblings (triplets and twins). Outside of writing, I am passionate about music and have played the flute for nine years.