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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

When you first realize it’s time for midterms…

And remember that you definitely did not pay attention in class…

And all you really want is to cuddle up with bae…

But then you realize you don’t have a bae, just a bunch of cats that you can’t even see until another half of a quarter…

So you finally try to pull it together and make it to the library, sit down, and open a book…

Then you’re pleased to realize the procrastination station is very much alive and well…

But all this fun makes you want to leave…

So you make yourself feel better by ordering some food for the all nighter you now have to pull…

But the morning after your all-nighter is miserable…

And you’ll most likely be walking out of your midterms like…

But it’s time to hit C&G and the Border because cheers its over!

Riley Witting is a freshmen at DU. Her hobbies include Beyoncé, Venti Passion Fruit Iced Teas (unsweetened) from Starbucks, Snapchat and dancing by herself. She enjoys posting photos of animals in sweaters on her twitter (@rileywitting) and is also borderline obsessed with her instagram (@rileywitting).