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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Winter comes and it seems like we all have to struggle a little bit more, in an attempt to keep up and to do the same things. Getting sick definitely does  not help you get your work done or simply have a life, So here are some tips ,you’ve probably heard before but now with context,  on how to be healthy in the new year.


1. Get lots of sleep 


Image courtesy of  Pixabay 

 I mean….who even does this in college but it is still really important none the less. Hard but important.  According to health.gov and newsinhealth.gov lack of sleep increases the risk for obesity, heart disease, and infections.  When we sleep our bodies, “release hormones that both repair cells and control the bodies use of energy”. So basically sleep is our medicine before we even need to take medicine. I think we all know the value of being healthy. At Drexel it can seem like if you miss one class you are missing out on a year of your life. 


2.Drink plenty of water 


Image courtesy of Boingboing.com


According to WebMd water has the second most popular drink after soft drinks. And guess what we have toxins in our bodies that can be flushed out with water. “Blood Urea Nitrogen is a water soluble waste that can pass through the kidneys” and then out of your body. So water is our best friend. The less toxic your body is the better you overall feel and the more healthy you are. 


3.  If you are stressed breathe deep

Image courtesy of LifeXtoday.com

 Obviously college can be a stressful time We all respond to stress differently but overall stress can be toxic to your body. Stress can lead to weight gain, sickness, and a host of other problems.  So it is important to get that stress out ! Try breathing deeply if you find yourself in a stressful situation. One it allows you to slow down and helps you  to make a better decision in the moment, and also with deep breathes you can decompress the stress that you maybe feeling. 


4.  Deskercise 

Image courtesy of Aaptiv.com


Say what? Yeah I am  aware of how weird this sounds. Basically it’s moving while your sitting down. If you spend a ton of time at a desk studying, thinking doing work, or at a part time job this is totally for you. I got this idea from  bustle.com. Just keep your body moving to prevent aches and pain that really suck. Sitting down for excessive amounts of time can be linked to high blood sugar and high blood pressure. So do your deskercise girl!!! 



Hopefully you learned why you should actually do those healthy things that the doctor, your mom, and school nurse all told you to do. Give some of them a try this term. Happy studies. 

Studying fashion design at Drexel University.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.