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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

When asked to write this week’s article, I didn’t know what to do. My mind went blank! What in the world do I write about, and it came to me, why not write about the one thing I am passionate about: Bringing social justice to the world. Before I get into my article, I would like to define ‘social justice’, what does it mean? Let’s look at the word ‘social’ and ‘justice’.’ The word social has so much weight to it, it means a variety of things. But in this perspective, I would like to define ‘social’ as the idea of the world. The idea of people functioning in society. What makes up you and me? Me, Sanjana Achar, I am a south asain woman writing this article. How has the world treated me? How has society treated me in comparison to my fellow people of color? The constant comparison of treatment of certain groups of people to me, is my idea of the word ‘social’. I believe that as a person of color writing this article I have to have a certain fundamental understanding of the world ‘social’ in order for me to properly understand the deeper meaning of the concept of social justice. 

Black Lives Matter protest sign
Photo by Chris Henry from Unsplash
Now onto the other half, which is the word ‘justice.’ It is such a powerful word. Just saying it as I am writing it makes me feel like a superhero. Justice makes me feel comfortable in the seat I am writing this article in. I feel empowered, and loved. Justice reminds me of a person who cares about you regardless of who you are. Justice sounds like the friend who will be there for you in any crisis and anywhere. This is exactly what I would say to describe the word. Justice is here for you regardless of who you are. Of course, it is very important that everyone regardless of anything. 

Now that I have defined these words, what is social justice in a whole form?  In a few words, the idea of social justice is ‘fight of the people.’ If you are going to call yourself a social justice activist, I believe that it is important to fight for everyone’s rights regardless of what you believe in. Being a compassionate person, and fighting for others even when you don’t want to and there is so much to risk. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Smiling
Photo by Wake Forest University School of Law distributed under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license
It is not only this but social justice is the idea of constantly educating yourself on the many issues going on in the world. No matter how it is, whether it be through Tik Tok, Instagram or any social media platform you get your news from, but make sure it is reliable. 

The recent political climate has enabled me to self evaluate my role in the world. How can I help? How can I change? How can I, sitting here in my house, help enact change in the world? How can I give back, and love unconditionally without having an ounce of hate in my heart. I am thankful for the evaluation I’ve had and because, I am constantly pushing myself to be educated and help in many different ways possible. 


If you felt inspired with this story, and want to help too, here is a link with everything that is going on the world and how YOU can help 



Business Student, lover of food
Her Campus Drexel contributor.