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Surviving Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Surviving Midterms

It’s officially that point in the semester that we probably all dread, well that and finals week. Here’s some tips to help you survive the week and to make sure you get the best grades you possibly can.



  1. Finding your study space

Sometimes our dorms can be noisy and we can’t concentrate. Finding your perfect study space is ideal. Maybe there’s a spot in the library that’s quite enough that you can concentrate or maybe there’s a day and time when your roommate(s) aren’t in and its quite enough for you to study with a lamp on and minimal distractions. Whatever the ideal study location is for you, you should find it.


  1. Figuring out a study style

Everyone studies differently. Flashcards may work for you while creating a fake test may work for someone else. You could use an app, create flashcards, create a fake quiz / test, recite the information in your head or aloud, etc. The ways to study are endless.


  1. Get organized

This is the point in the semester where your planner may become extremely handy. You can get a planner and write down your exams for each day, so you don’t forget. You should also take this time to organize your notes. Highlight or star what may be included on the exam so your study nights aren’t spent sifting through a ton of information.


  1. Get enough sleep and eat breakfast

Unfortunately, you may have to cut back your partying time. You should set a good bedtime routine so you can get enough sleep that you’re not tired during your exam. Scientist have linked a good night’s rest to an increase in test scores. You should also get up early enough that you can eat breakfast so you’re not hungry during the exam and while you’re eating your breakfast, you can try to get some more studying in before your first exam.


  1. Don’t procrastinate

We always procrastinate. There could be a paper due Sunday, that we haven’t started working on, yet we find ourselves glued to Instagram our or favorite tv show and in the process we’re pushing back starting the paper or studying. You don’t want to do this. Give yourself 30 minutes of uninterrupted study time you can soak in as much information as possible.


  1. Take a break and find a way to destress

Our stress levels tend to go through the roof when it comes to midterms and finals. We’re rushing to get stuff done and to prepare for the exams. It’s important to take breaks in between studying. So, study a chapter or a few vocabulary words or whatever and then take a 15-minute break to do yoga, read a book, watch a show, or whatever you do to destress.


Remember not to stress yourself out too much but to get in as much studying as possible.


Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.