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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.


    Okay, so you’ve made it this far without pulling your hair out which is a good thing, but now I’m going to need you to express just as much self-control now that it’s mid-term week. I know, I know, I need to practice what I preach, but I have with these 5 ways I’ve been doing to survive mid-term week. So listen up!

  1. Organize Your Exams by Most Important to Least Important

When I say organize your exams, what I mean is spread out the amount of study time you’re allowing yourself for each exam. Classes that you feel are more difficult or your core classes you need, allow yourself more study time for those while your electives or easy classes, you study for last since you understand that material more.


2. Meditate

I know you’re probably like, “how is meditation going help me pass these mid-terms?” Because your brain is so overwhelmed with all the material you’re trying to cram into it, through meditation, you’re actually allowing your body to calm down and relax and actually process the information you’re giving to it.


3. Working Out

Besides meditating, working out is an AMAZING way to relieve stress. Working out will take your mind off of the exams and just allow you to focus on burning some calories. Once you finish your workout, you not only have a clear mind to study, but you’re also getting a healthy body in the process. Now who doesn’t want that?

4. Study Groups

Studying with those who have the same classes with you are beyond beneficial. Not only are you guys able to collaborate on your notes together, but you are also able to teach one another things in ways the teacher made difficult in understanding. And it’s a good way to get to know your classmates too.

5. Just Breathe

I know mid-term week, means you’re supposed to be stressed out because it means half of the semester is over. But that’s the thing, it’s only the first half, so don’t beat yourself up about a mid-term grade. You have another half of the semester to SLAY all of your classes and get the grade you want. So just keep smiling beautiful.

With these 5 steps, I promise you will live to fight another mid-term week. Remember it’s just mid-terms, don’t stress yourself out too much okay? Okay.

Hello! My name is Janae Faison and I am I double major at Delaware State University as a English and Journalism major. DSU Chapter of Her Campus just like the rest of the site is meant to empower all young women who are in college. Enjoy the DSU Chapter of Her Campus!
Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.