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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Study breaks are essential, but we all know how easy it is for those small breaks to turn into hours of binge-watching Netflix. Sometimes, it is necessary to look away from the assignment and give your brain time to process. Taking breaks can increase productivity, only if you continue to work after the break is up. Instead of using the break to check your social media or hangout with friends, try these ideas to help you stay productive!


Although cleaning isn’t the most fun way to spend your study break, it’s something that has to get done eventually. Doing it as a study break will allow you to step away from your assignments, but it will also keep you in a productive mindset. It could be as simple as doing a load of laundry, washing the dishes, or making your bed. Having a clean environment to work in will also help you focus.

Work Out

Physical activity is a great way to clear your mind and relieve some stress. A study break can be the perfect time to hit the gym for a quick workout. If you’re not someone who frequents the gym, don’t fret! Pinterest has tons of at home workout plans that only take thirty minutes. If thinking about working out alone makes your muscles sore, don’t give up on this idea, yet. Doing yoga or having a dance party can also count!


Everyone must eat, which presents the perfect opportunity for a study break. Plan your mealtime as your break time, whether it’s lunch, dinner, or just a snack. When you’re finished eating, resume working on your assignments. If you think you have the self-control, watching TV while you eat can also help you decompress. Another benefit of using a meal as a study break is having more energy when you go back to working! 


Again, showering is something that must get done throughout the day. It provides a good opportunity for a study break because it is relaxing and refreshing. It gives you a space to think things through or not think at all, whichever you prefer. Throw on your favorite playlist and wash your stress away. Selfcare is very important, so other good break ideas that fall into this category could include face masks, painting your nails, etc.

Run an Errand

Most college students have very full to-do lists that consist of more than just homework. Running an errand or doing something else on your to-do list, such as attending a meeting, can also be considered a study break. Take liberty upon yourself to decide what constitutes a productive study break.

Hi, I'm Rose Overbey! I'm a senior at DePauw University, majoring in English writing. I'm a passionate non-fiction writer with interests in upcycling, crafts, fashion, and the environment.