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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

I have compiled a list of ways one can practice self-care that doesn’t involve a bath! 

  1. Face masks 
  2. Journaling 
  3. Meditation 
  4. Being Active 
  5. Dance to your favorite song 
  6. Taking a nap 
  7. Reading a book 
  8. Talking to a therapist 
  9. Hanging out with friends 
  10. Calling a loved one 
  11. Cleaning your space 
  12. Take yourself out on a date
  13. Paint your nails 
  14. Do your make-up 
  15. Listen to a podcast 
  16. Play your favorite videos games
  17. Watch your favorite or new show/movie
  18. Paint, Draw, Write, etc… 
  19. Write positive affirmations 
  20. Listen to your favorite songs and/or create a new playlist 

I hope you take some time out of your busy day to do some self-care because you deserve it (:

Hi! My name is Nayeli Torres-Ochoa. I am a junior and neuroscience major at DePauw University. I love coffee, traveling, writing, and reading.