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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.


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Midterms are coming up, and studying can be difficult if you don’t know what study method works for you. Try to study according to how you learn best, whether you are a visual, auditory, or tactile learner. If you do not know what kind of learner you are, take a test! College is about learning how to learn, so get to know yourself when it comes to learning and studying. Figuring out what works best for you will help you better remember the material! Here are 6 different ways to study for midterms:

1. Make a Quizlet flashcard deck

Quizlet is a website (and app!) that you can create flashcards on. It’s great if you don’t have paper flashcards or prefer to have less paper clutter. Quizlet has different features besides flashcards. With your terms you can play a matching game, write out the definitions, or take a practice test. If it’s going to take you too long to create all the flashcards yourself, Quizlet has a function where you can make the deck collaborative. You can even set a password so that only you and your friend from class have access to editing the terms. It’s a great website that allows you to study in multiple ways and only type out the terms once! You’ve got this in the bag.

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2. Make paper flashcards

Some people are visual learners, and it helps them to physically write things out. If you are one of these people, then Quizlet may not be for you and paper flashcards will be more beneficial. Paper flashcards are also great because you can study where there isn’t wifi, so if it’s a nice day you can study at a park. It is also easy to study with a friend and quiz each other because you can pass the flashcards back and forth!

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3. Study with a friend or create a study group

If you have a professor who lectures too fast for your liking, study with a friend or create a study group! There’s a good chance someone will have the notes you missed. This goes both ways – so if your friend(s) missed something in class, you may have the notes they need. When you work with others, it creates a fun atmosphere and allows you to bounce ideas off each other. It’s also proven that teaching something to someone else helps you better remember the concept. If your friend doesn’t understand something from class but you have mastered it, explain it to them! It will help you both.

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4. Take Cornell notes

Cornell notes are notes taken in a specific way developed by Walter Pauk of Cornell University. The appeal of these notes is that you can easily study with them. Writing questions and terms on the left side of the line allows for you to cover the right side and test yourself (pictured below). If you do not write on the backside of the page, you can simply fold the right side in half to cover your notes. Cornell notes also include writing a summary, but personally I do not find it beneficial. Look at the template and tweak it to your liking! Taking notes is essential in college and if your current method is not benefiting you, try Cornell style! Who knows? You may end up loving it.

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5. Rewrite your notes

For some, rewriting everything is the best way to remember information for a test. Try it out! If you find yourself falling asleep at the idea of rewriting everything in your notebook, snag a whiteboard at the library! It will get you up and moving while rewriting everything. You can color code with different colored markers and draw pictures to elaborate on points. Personalize your notes, get creative! You got this.

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6. Create a Kahoot

Kahoot is a website that allows you to make a trivia game out of your study material. If you have a TV or projector (or rent one of the tables in the library that has one), you can compete with friends while studying at the same time! Your phone acts as your “buzzer” to buzz in (click) your answer. It’s a fun twist on flash cards that will get you and your friends to study without distractions.

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Anna Wolf

DePaul '21

DePaul 2021