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Notes On Self Care During Busy Times

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

This past week, it happened: the ever dreaded seasonal cold took me as its latest victim. I’ve been going nonstop for a few months, traveling, over involving myself in extracurriculars, and trying to keep up on the mountainous pile of classwork. This obviously took a tole on my body. I felt guilty about missing my classes, even though I needed to rest in order to feel better. I spent the day taking mucinex, warming up chicken noodle soup in the community kitchen of my dorm, and binge watching the second season of Stranger Things. (No spoilers, but wow, what a great season!)

This made me realize something that we should always remind ourselves of: Take care of yourself.

We’re busy college students, tackling a million things at once, classwork, exams, papers, maintaining social lives, jobs, and finding time to sleep.

Never feel guilty for putting your physical, emotional, and mental health first. Sometimes we all need a break, and that’s okay.

After taking one day to just relax and focus on myself, I was feeling a million times better the next morning. I put myself first, and felt great.

I couldn’t help but laugh and think of the Parks and Recreation episode “Flu Season”, when Leslie Knope gets the flu but refuses to stop her job to rest and get better, this causes her to become delusional. She tries to power through her sickness, instead of giving her body the rest it needed. Let Leslie serve as a further reminder to TREAT YO SELF.

Self care is so important during busy times. With the doom of finals quickly approaching, make sure you have a routine to de-stress, relax, and just stop for a bit.

My favorite self-care activities are face-masks, watching my favorite shows, calling my best friend to catch up, listening to music, and lighting candles. Find something that really helps you recenter your mind and body.

Your future self will thank you.


Lover of words, music, traveling, dogs, and chocolate chip cookies.