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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.


Sigmund Freud showed the way to a world of professional help – a world of talking and achieving breakthroughs in the quest to solve mental health problems. But the world has evolved and found new ways of dealing with these issues – ways that might be less intimidating and more fun! This Mental Health Day, we attempt to bring to you therapy in all its beautiful, unorthodox ways!

 Art Therapy – ‘Draw’ a line between you and your troubles!

Art therapy involves the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage-making, colouring, or sculpting to help people express the artist in them and examine the psychological and emotional undertones in their art. Art therapists work with individuals, couples, and groups in a variety of settings, including private counselling, hospitals, wellness centres, correctional institutions, senior centres, and other community organizations.

 It helps children, adolescents, and adults explore their emotions, improve self-esteem, manage addictions, relieve stress, improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and cope with a physical illness or disability.

You don’t need to possess any artistic skills to succeed, because the therapeutic process is not about the aesthetic value of the work, but rather about finding associations between the creative choices made and the client’s inner life. So go ahead, get yourself a canvas ( just any notebook really) and let your emotions out in colours, brush off your worries and soak in the beauty that is you! 

 Music Therapy – Sing Away Your Worries!

A form of therapy that literally tells us to ‘put on our headphones and forget our worries’? Now that’s what we are talking about! Yes, please!

Music therapy makes use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or an individual. It is a music lover’s dream: listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery: to bring in your creative juices at play and help you calm yourself. It has the potential of helping people of all ages, whether they are virtuosos or tone-deaf. No musical abilities are a prerequisite for you to gain from this method. 

Music can provide a distraction for the mind, it can recede the rhythms of the body, and can alter our mood, which in turn can have an impact on one’s behaviour and help express oneself better.

A healing process takes place and works towards reducing anxiety and physical effects of stress. Music therapy is also functional in reducing depression and helps in rehabilitation activities. Evidence shows that it helps reduce symptoms of psychological disorders including schizophrenia.

Trained and certified music therapists work in a variety of healthcare and educational settings. The two types of processes involved are either creative or receptive. In the creative process, the music therapist works with the client to actively create or produce the music. This may include composing a song, engaging in music or song improvisation, or drumming.

On the other hand, the receptive process involves patients sharing their music listening experiences, such as using music to facilitate a client or group’s relaxation. An emphasis is made on the feelings and thoughts that are experienced by the clients.

Pet Therapy – Finally Convince Your Mum Why Pets Are More Than Just Poop Machines!

Pet Therapy is real!

Medicine has finally given way to our four-legged furry therapists. Pet therapy is a broad term that includes animal-assisted therapy and other animal-assisted activities. When you agree for animal-assisted therapy, you find yourself in the company of an assistance dog and its handler. More often than not, you will find yourself to be smiling! There is an endless list of benefits of pet therapy. Pet therapy can aid in lowering blood pressure and pain. It also produces an automatic relaxation response to calm patients. Pet therapy also increases joint movement and motor skills and improves recovery time

It goes without saying but pets are the best cuddlers too! They also help in reducing depression and anxiety, enhancing communication and provide an endless supply of love, comfort and sloppy kisses. Pet therapy is also proven to help children overcome emotional disorders.

Sampriti Dutta

Delhi North '21

I am a 20 year old pursuing English Literature at Hansraj College, University of Delhi. I hope to impact the world more and more everyday, one word at a time. When I'm not trying to impact the world, you can usually find me playing my uke with my below average singing skills or obsessing over a new skincare routine!