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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

As the world has recently switched to a virtual format with less of the usual day-to-day activities that we had all been accustomed to, it can be hard to escape the rut that forms when everything starts getting repetitive. It can happen to anyone throughout their life. Your daily tasks start to get more and more mundane, and it can feel like there’s nothing new to freshen up your routine.

Recently during the colder months, I have felt myself slip into the riptide of repetitive tasks and it sometimes feels like the days are passing me by too quickly. To combat this, I started adding a few simple things to make each day more enjoyable. These actions spiraled into a shortlist of ways to live more fearlessly and to have a enhanced outlook on life. Even though the spring weather and sunshine’s serotonin has started returning to our lives, it’s important to continue to make small adjustments on how we go about our days to make the little things about life that much better. After incorporating the following actions into my day, I have felt an overall positive boost in my mood and a better appreciation of the world around me. 

One of the boldest and most sincere things you can do everyday is to tell the people you love that you care about them. Telling the ones closest to you that you care about them does not have to be something that you save for special occasions, and words are not the only vessel we have to show people that they have a place in our heart. Whether it is calling your parents and telling them you love them, delivering a care package to a stressed-out friend, or texting someone that you’re thinking about them are all simple ways to show love. The pandemic has put an emphasis on the fact that life is short, and you never know when your time with the people around you will dissipate. By making a conscious effort to spread love and acts of kindness, you are making someone else’s day better while also improving your own well-being.

As cliche as it might sound, keeping a notebook to write down your thoughts in is one of the best forms of expression I have found. I make my best effort to write something in it daily. No matter if it’s entries about my day, lists of movies I want to watch, half-thought song lyrics, or pieces of poems I might finish one day. Taking the time to write down whatever is going on in my head, and simultaneously stepping away from technology to do so, has been a therapeutic addition to my day. It also is one of the best ways to enhance your frame of mind when you’re having a bad day by looking back on your previous dated entries. I love to read the excitement in my words from past pages, and continue to work on the pieces of writing I left incomplete.

A goal I have made for my own life is to try something new as often as possible. Whether that is attempting a new recipe in the kitchen, buying a product I have been wanting to try, or taking a trip to some place new. Being open to trying new experiences takes the lid off of your life, and leaves you open for good things to come your way that you wouldn’t have found otherwise. I discovered some of my favorite snacks by saying “yes” to purchasing random items at the grocery store, and met some of my closest friends by agreeing to attend an event I normally wouldn’t have gone to. The moral of the story is simple, be open for a change in your routine and it will happen. 

Finally, I start and end each day with music. My Spotify is under constant renovation as I like to frequently change up my playlists and favorite artists. The power of a good playlist is one that I will preach to anyone who will listen. Music has the ability to change our mood in an instant, and move us in ways other creative mediums can not do. I love to curate playlists for exact feelings and moments in my life. When I wake up in the morning, I play songs to help get my day going and motivate me to accomplish whatever is on my to-do list. My evening playlists have one similar goal in mind: to unwind and de-stress. Racing thoughts while lying in bed at night is a common theme I’ve found amongst most of my friends, and while it’s easy to blame overthinking life’s uncertainties on being in our twenties, the quickest solution most of us go for is relaxing to music to clear our heads. No matter what your playlist is for, turn it up and let the music take over. 

Actively making efforts to improve the way you go about your day, and remove yourself from unchanging patterns, is one of the best things you can do for your well-being. So text a friend something that reminds you of them or put a band you have never heard of on shuffle! By setting intentions for your day, the good will follow.

A finance and marketing double major at the University of Delaware.
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