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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.


One of the hardest things in life is standing tall through the screaming winds, potholes in the road, 90 mph curve balls, rickety rollercoasters, and legit hardcore crashes. It is devastatingly easy to fall down along the way when it gets windy but the strength needed to keep going isn’t really too hard to find if you think about it.  

I have come to realize throughout life that there are a lot of bad days where I just want to eat a whole cake and binge-watch something on Netflix. It’s so easy to do that, sleep in, wallow, and lose hope in a better tomorrow. The wind blows and it can easily knock you down, and it’s okay to be down and stay there for a while. What’s the saying. . .you can’t enjoy the good days without the bad ones? However, amidst all of this mental noise, there is something you can muster up to give you the motivation you need to get out of bed, get ready for the day, leave some worries behind, and try harder. 

If you keep getting knocked down because the wind is too strong, try to think about what kept you standing the last time. What was it that made you want to get out of bed the day after nothing went right for you? What did you feel that encouraged you to start over or try again? Where did the strength come from that forced you to step back outside and walk right through the wind that knocked you down yesterday? It’s the voice inside your head and within your gut that says, ‘you’re going to be okay, it may hurt now but you need to keep going.’

There are millions of experiences in life that help prepare for the days where the wind is too strong and those experiences teach us so much. Without them, there may not be that voice inside your head but it’s there because it knows that you are strong, that you can persevere, that you will conquer, that you will exceed expectations and love yourself more because of it. 

The wind gets loud and powerful, the road gets bumpy, the curveballs won’t stop, the rollercoasters always surprise you, and the crashes will always hurt. Just remember to never let the wind block out the voice inside your head because the wind will always blow. 

Some may know me as Kp, I love to write, spend time outdoors, and do something new every day! Graduating from Central Washington University in 2019 Major: Public Relations Minor: Social Services