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Why You Shouldn’t Care What Others Think of You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

There will always be someone to rain on your parade, have something to say about you when they don’t even know who you are, or have an opinion about something that gives your life joy. I’m here to reassure you that living your life the way you want to live it and not caring what others think is the best way to live your life.

People in the past have told me “Wow you’re loud” or “You’re too energetic for the morning”. You know what? There should be more people in the world that are energetic in the morning because we need that type of enthusiasm once and awhile. Why should anyone’s opinion matter if someone you met once thinks you’re loud and annoying? They’re obviously not your friend, you don’t have to be everyone’s friend. Your real friends are people who love you for who you are and enjoy being around you. Be you and only you. It’s part of who you truly are and no should tell you how to be, act or live your life.

No one should shame you in anyway for being yourself. If you want to wear a yellow t-shirt and someone told you that yellow is an ugly color on you, then wear that yellow shirt LOUD AND PROUD HONEY. It’s your life, don’t hold back because someone is being an a$$hole and putting you down for no reason.

Being you is the best you. No one can put you down because you are amazing. Don’t listen to the haters darling you’re perfect just the way you are.

Her Campus CWU Social Media Director / Treasurer / Writer  Senior at Central Washington University  Major: Public Relations Minor: Event Managment Zodiac: Cancer ♋︎