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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Have you ever met someone who you thought you really liked, and you meet them, but after you met them then you never hear from them again? Yeah, I hate that too. Here are some things that you can do to forget that person and not let them get to you and let them break your heart.

There’s always a thing called, self-care. That’s a big and important one to always do. Always take care of the thing that comes first, you. You can also use a vice, like your phone, or a book. Just use it to get the anxiety out of your body. If I use my phone, I love to watch Netflix, Disney+, Hulu or even just YouTube videos for music or different episode clips of shows like Maury or the Steve Wilkos show. That’s my vice. It doesn’t have to be everyone’s vice, but that’s mine. Some other people’s vice could be to go out of the house and get exercise, which probably is better than just laying in bed.         

Another thing I do is just take a nice bath and eat some ice cream. Yum. Just rinse all those nasty feelings away. Get those nasty feelings off of me. They weren’t worth it anyways. That’s what I tell myself anyways. It’s never you sweetie. Never. They aren’t worth it. There’s always someone better coming around the corner you just don’t know it. Your fairytale is coming; they’re probably just stuck in a tree and need help getting down. But again, it’s never you sweetie. It’s the other person.

Don’t let it get to you, or it will always get to you and your confidence will always be so low. And we don’t like seeing that. That’s just too sad. I was like that once too. I just said one day, I’m tired of being sad and this is not my fault. I think I’m awesome.

So always be positive. It’s never your fault. Be happy, and find vice to get your mind off of that loser who didn’t think that you’re as awesome as you are.

Hi! I'm Emily, I'm a senior at Central Washington University, majoring in Communications, and minoring in Advertising.