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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

The dreary winter months can be difficult to navigate especially with studying for exams and writing papers for your classes, as well as with working part-time. Because of this, you may be struggling to manage your time with studying, work and self-care. 

Personally, I have difficulties with maintaining a balance between studying for my classes, working part-time and making time for myself as I am often studying until the unholy hours of the morning and then having to work a seven to eight-hour shift the next day. As a result of this, I am often exhausted and unmotivated to do any more studying that I need to get done. 

However, I have found that by planning my schedule for the week and making time for self-care, I can manage my time more effectively. Here are some of the ways that I have used to manage my time and I hope that you consider these tips as you navigate the quarter.  

1. plan your week ahead

Planning your week ahead can not only help you stay on top of assignments, work shifts, appointments, and club meetings, but it can also help you be productive throughout the week. This usually can be accomplished by using a planner, notebook, calendar, or google calendar and then making note of due dates, work shifts, and appointments. 

When planning my week, I use a planner to write down due dates, exam dates, and what assignments I will be working on each day. In planning my week ahead, I have found that I am better prepared for assignments, exams, and other priorities I have during the week. 

2. Stress Management

I often use a step-by-step approach when I am studying for my classes. For example, I will sometimes focus on one assignment or reading for thirty minutes to an hour and then I will focus on another assignment for another thirty minutes to an hour and then I will take a break in between each study session. Taking breaks between study sessions also allows me to make time for self-care such as relaxation, skin care, and exercise. 

This study method can be accomplished through the Pomodoro Method which usually involves four 25-minute study sessions with five-minute breaks after each session and then one long break after a full Pomodoro session. I have found that doing such study sessions keeps me productive and relieves any stress I may have and helps me make progress on my assignments throughout the week.

3. prioritize the assignments that are due first

I often prioritize the assignments that are due first because it allows me to work on what is due earlier in the week and then on what is due later in the week or the next week. This helps me to plan my time better when I am deciding what assignments to focus on each day of the week. For example, if I have assignments that are due on Friday, then I will set time for different days to work on those assignments.

I hope that you take advantage of these time management strategies this quarter and are able to make time for yourselves in the process. Happy studying!

XO Her Campus

Hi there! I am third-year student at CWU majoring in psychology with a minor in theatre arts. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, reading, singing, and exercising.