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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

So, you’re probably reading this because something has happened (recently) that has changed your life forever. You failed your entry test for your program, you lost a loved one, you are going through a breakup, depression/anxiety has hit you like a ton of bricks, or that certain something is keeping you awake at night… you have a traumatic situation you are facing–head on.

But remember, you are not alone and you are a warrior. I struggled with this for a long time after I lost my mom. I swear I could almost feel this world stop rotating and I was willing to let it do just that. I definitely did not feel like a warrior; shit, I hardly felt like a human being.

To this extent, I had never felt anything like this but when I tried to explain it to people, I would relate it to a bad breakup. That feeling you get in your chest, how a person feels literally engraved in you DNA and your brain. You let the tragedy become you.

Don’t get my words twisted though: grieving is different for everyone and depression can come in all different sizes and forms. I personally just have faith in these steps that helped me bounce back to become a better me.

Ask for help

Of course admitting to needing help can feel like you’re taking a loss. It is in fact the exact opposite. Being able to ask for help from a friend, family member, or even a counselor shows that you not only know your body but you’re also not afraid to say “hey, my brain and well-being need some TLC right now”.

Don’t Push Yourself

You will get back to a routine eventually, but for now, stay in bed if you want to. Skip class and go get that much needed fresh air. You aren’t going to be 100% for a little while, so celebrate the small victories. You may have not gone to all your classes, the gym, or even the library; however, you made it to the grocery store to get food for dinner. Go you!

Not Everyone Will Understand

People in your life that love you so dearly may not know how to react to your situation. They don’t love you any less and they aren’t annoyed. Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t understand something and it makes you uncomfortable? That’s all it is. What leads me to my next helpful tip…

Identify What You Need

I found myself more emotional than ever…and for good reason. I let my emotions seep into certain aspects of my life that would have otherwise been fine aside from my current situation. For example, I couldn’t stop causing arguments. In those moments, I had to identify what exactly I needed and what I was looking for out of the argument. Most of the time, I didn’t even want to be involved in an argument i just wanted comfort or sympathy… whatever, i’m a Cancer.

Make Sure You Are Eating… A LOT

This one is pretty self-explanatory. When going through something traumatic, your body goes into shock (for far longer than just a day). Fuel it with all the yummy stuff you need to keep your body healthy and intact!

Ride Each Wave As It Comes

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STEP BACKWARDS–I want to scream that at the top of my lungs. This life is in a forward motion, therefore, steps backwards are nonexistent. I like to look at every day, every emotion, every moment (good or bad), as a wave. You could have a great day on Tuesday, but Wednesday could be a real kick in the ass. This does not mean you took steps backwards, it simply means you had a bad day. You are still moving forward.

Don’t Be So Damn Hard On Yourself

You are so worthy and so great. Like I said before, you are a warrior. Warriors don’t always win, but they always fight.