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4 Positive Things to Get You Through The Next 4 Years

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

So we’re stuck with Trump for the next 4 years. As a woman, you may be making your appointment with your doctor to get your IUD, stressing about the fact that you will forever have to work twice as hard to maybe get the same pay as your inferieior male counterpart.

Now that the week of mourning is over, we’ve been trying to find ways to manage our pain and move forward with the unfortunate future which has been forced upon us (Thank you baby boomers) so I have shared 5 positives I have tried to find to make these 4 years a bit more bearable.

1) The motivation we as women and minorities have to work harder.

It is now clear that  men are going to feel more entitled to grab whatever the hell they want, however we as women are now even more strongly united to fight for our basic human rights.

2) We now know who of our friends were previously hidden racists/ sexists

Finding out that the majority of my male co-workers, and men I had considered friends for 8 years, supported a man who openly condones assault and taking away my reproductive health rights really opened my eyes to who in my life are worth maintaining relationships with.

3) The confidence in not holding back and biting our tongues.

I don’t know about you, but I now have no regard for politeness when it comes to calling out offensive behavior. Now more than ever it is important that we speak up so that the hate spewed by our presidential elect does not continue to spread. Before, if a man at a bar touched me or catcalled me I would roll my eyes and walk away and ignore them, now I refuse to let them continue to think that their behavior is acceptable and I make it a point to cause a scene if need be and call them out for it.

4) And last but not least, the Joe Biden/ Obama memes