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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.



CU Boulder has recently updated their sexual misconduct policy. This seemed curious, many were asking “what was the motivation?” When looking through it, the top things that changed are explanations of the role of OIEC, adding jurisdiction factors to determine where and who will take up the investigation, describing goals and purposes of the obligation to report for responsible employees, and failure to report allegations.

Picture from pinterest.com


According to the policy, “the OIEC is committed to preventing and eliminating discrimination and harassment based on race, color, national origin, pregnancy, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy.” The update added more protected classes under the OIEC than were mentioned before. They also added more pregnancy accommodations.

Picture from pinterest.com


Any allegation or reports made through the school are separate from law enforcement and city/state court proceedings. Just because formal lawsuits or other investigations through state law enforcement might be dropped, the OIEC would not necessarily stop the investigation. There are no time limitations on reports.

Picture from pinterest.com

Obligation to report

Responsible employees who knowingly do not oblige to their reporting obligations are in violation of the applicable policies. If information is known about a misconduct, the staff at CU must report it.

Picture from pinterest.com

These changes are beneficial for the people of CU Boulder because they outline how the OIEC helps in these circumstances, outline the procedural disconnect between the CU Boulder investigations and state law investigations. This is a warning as well as insight for victims who entrust campus employees to let them know that the employee is obligated to report the situation. This update was important because it is more inclusive and obvious in its efforts to correct situations that are against the policy at CU Boulder


Photos from Pinterest.com

Kaitland is the Social Media Director for the chapter. She is a junior here at CU Boulder, studying Communication with minors in Spanish and Media Studies. Journalism is a fun hobby of hers and her favorite things to write about are: fashion, social issues and lifestyle. On campus, Kaitland is part of CMCI and the Dean Scholars. In Boulder you can find her at your local aesthetic coffee shop, trying out cool new restaurants, and saying hi to the local fauna.
Sko Buffs!