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5 Things to Make Time for This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.
Taking Care of Yourself

Get your rest. I understand college is stressful, but sleep is so important. Don’t push yourself. If it feels like you’re at a tipping point, it’s probably because you are, and it’s okay to choose yourself every now and then. Eat good food to help your brain keep up with your learning. If you had a party weekend (we’ve all been there), make sure you make time to detox before the week begins. Self-care Sunday traditions are amongst my favorites, and I hope you can take part as well.

Going Outside for a Walk (or for anything really)

Move your body. Do some yoga outside, exercise with some friends. I found that taking a dance class through CU helped ensure that I was moving. However, you want to get moving, make time to get some Vitamin D while the weather is still nice. Coming out of a pandemic where we were confined in our rooms, I know it might be out of the routine, but trust me when I say… it’ll help!



Make time at the end of every week to reflect, let go, and move on. What could you have done better this week? How will you work towards being better? What did you do well? What did you put your time into, and how did it serve you? What didn’t serve you? Personally I save my reflection time when I’m engaging in my Self-care Sundays, whatever activity it may be it’s brought me to a place of peace within the week and you can utilize that calmness to help you reflect on what did and didn’t go so well that week.


Hanging out with friends, hosting a small get-together, or partaking in any other activities (wink wink) will allow you to wind down and enjoy the moment. With a hectic schedule, it may seem hard to find time for little pleasures, but you can always make time. Life’s too short not to live a little here and there (emphasis on here and there, moderation is also good).


If I’m having a hard time focusing or finding the motivation to study, I find that actively packing my things and going to a quiet place such as a study room, the library, bookstore, the coffee shop makes a difference. Wherever your vibe is, making the decision to go out of your space and go into another with the intent to study has always been fruitful in some way. 

All in all, I really do hope you make time for all of these during the semester, I know once I begin to implement them all in my life it will help me be successful not just when I’m in school, but for another time-consuming period of my life as well.

Stephanie Sika

CU Boulder '24

Stephanie Dzidzor Sika, who goes by Sika, is a Ghanaian-American first generation college student at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her hobbies include dancing, cooking, and writing. Sika is working actively towards informing, sharing, and loving by way of her work as much as she can.