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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

With Thanksgiving break right around the corner, here’s some tips and tricks to stay healthy during sick season:

Wash your hands

Yes, I know this seems like common sense but it’s especially important this time of year. The CDC recommends scrubbing for at least twenty seconds. Don’t forget your wrists and under your nails!

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html

Keep hand sanitizer in your bag

Not able to access soap and water? Hand sanitizer also works for getting rid of pesky germs. Be sure to use an alcohol-based sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to ensure it’s most effective.

Get a flu shot

Student Health Services offers flu and Covid-19 vaccinations! Schedule an appointment online or call.

Boost Your immune system

Some of us are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals without even realizing it! This can contribute to a weak immune system which makes you more vulnerable to illness. Research supports taking some supplements for immune function like Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Elderberry.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/immune-boosting-supplements

Prioritize General Wellness

Get at least 8 hours of sleep, eat balanced meals, up your water intake, and stay physically active!

Clean your dorm room

Be sure to disinfect high-touch areas like your desk, door knobs, and phone. Germs can live on surfaces for hours or even days so wipe everything down often.

Go outside

Even though it’s getting colder, going outside to get fresh air is vital to clearing out the lungs. An air purifier works well too for small spaces like your dorm room.

Stock up on Medicine

It’s a good idea to keep up your supply if and when you start feeling sick. Over-the-counter medicines can treat a wide range of symptoms from a runny nose to a fever. I recommend having the basics like Advil, Tylenol, Tums, and an antihistamine. For common sicknesses that go around this time of year, it’s useful to also have DayQuil, NyQuil, Advil Cold and Sinus, Pepsi Bismol, and an antihistamine for nasty seasonal allergies.

Sophia Nadeau

Conn Coll '24

Sophia is a senior at Connecticut College; double majoring in Neuroscience and Psychology, as well as minoring in Studio Art. She enjoys spending time with friends, painting, and singing in her free time!