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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Trying to keep that zen from spring break? So are we, with the help of some great meditation. Whether you are stressed, need five minutes to yourself, or can’t sleep, meditation is a great practice to indulge in. With the help of these apps below, you can have a self-guided meditation session which vary in time and can fit into your busy schedule.  Meditation can improve your overall happiness, give you peace of mind, and can even boost your energy level. Some of the benefits of meditating include stress reduction, increased happiness, and metabolism improvement. If you want to learn even more about the practice, head over to The Art of Living, a website that explains all the benefits of meditation.


Here are some great apps to help you get started! Make sure you pick the one with a voice that you connect to, and a pace that works for you. 

1. Insight Timer

2. Stop, Breathe, & Think

3. Mindfully Me

Happy meditating !!

Sophie Furman is a current senior at Conn Coll majoring in Sociology and interested in the fashion industry. 
Her Campus Conn Coll