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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.
It’s that time of year again. Especially at the beginning of the semester, while everyone is readjusting to busier schedules and more stress, it doesn’t take much to upset the balance and open the door to sickness. Luckily, there are many natural products that help strengthen the immune system, without breaking the bank.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar – There are so many health articles out right now about apple cider vinegar, and with good reason. From cleaning to detoxing, this product really does it all. Germs are unable to thrive in acidic environments, so adding apple cider vinegar to hot water with lemon, or taking a “shot” by itself is a great way to ward off infection. In addition, apple cider vinegar feels great on a sore throat (counter-intuitive, I know).
2. Cayenne pepper, aka nature’s Mucinex – This is one quick fix cure that I swear by. Cayenne pepper helps break up mucus, so that it doesn’t sit for too long and become a deeper infection. Yet another benefit – it’s antibacterial, which keeps the bad bacteria in check so your system can remain strong throughout the winter.
3. Coconut oil – Another wonder product, coconut oil can be used not only in cooking, but for your hair and skin as well. But the best benefit during the winter months comes from something called oil pulling. Swishing a spoonful of the oil around your mouth first thing in the morning draws out bacteria, giving your body a leg up on colds. Swish for about 10 minutes, before spitting it out into the trash (so that it doesn’t re-congeal once it goes down the drain).
Image via clevecoymca.org
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Gianna Sinopoli

Columbia Barnard

Gianna is a Senior at Barnard College. She's passionate about nutrition and wellness, and spends most of her free time running in the park, cooking healthy treats, or writing for her own blog, The Impossible Eater.