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Ways to De-stress for Midterms that Aren’t Scrolling on Your Phone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

If you’re anything like me, a typical study break looks something like this: Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, back to Instagram, just a little more TikTok, and boom, it’s been two hours. Do I ever feel refreshed from my never-ending scroll? Nope. In fact, I usually feel more drained than before. Here are nine things to do instead of scrolling through social media to leave you feeling refreshed and ready to hit the books. 

Listen to a new podcast while going for a walk

My personal favorites include Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain, Call Her Daddy, Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids, and Hidden Brain. Plug in your headphones, slap on a cute outfit, and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. I promise you’ll get back feeling like a new you.

Grab a latte and cookie from Frank Dining Hall

I have been living off of Frank’s chai lattes and lemon cookies. The coffee-pastry combo plus facetime with a friend is the perfect quick study break.

Go apple-picking or leaf peeping

I will admit that one of the reasons I chose to come to Colgate was to experience scream-singing “All Too Well (10-minute version)” in the car with my friends. If you’ve got a few hours to spare, go visit Sweet Acres Orchard to pick apples and take in the beautiful fall colors.

Reorganize your Spotify playlists

Although you’ll be looking at a screen, I find making new playlists and cleaning up my old ones extremely satisfying. Add some new playlist covers, change up some names, and boom, you’ll feel like you’ve got your life together.

Outfit plan for next week

One of my favorite feelings is waking up to know I’ve got a good outfit planned for that day. Get out your clothes and try out some new combos; I guarantee you’ve got a great outfit inside your closet that’s just waiting to be discovered. I especially love experimenting with different layers as the weather gets colder.

Rewatch your favorite comfort show or movie

My personal favorites include Gilmore Girls, the Harry Potter series, any Wes Anderson movie, and Dead Poets Society. Make yourself some popcorn and get comfy… it’s time to binge.

Journal (casually)

Usually, I despise the idea of writing down a bunch of my feelings, especially after I’ve been writing papers for four hours straight. Journalling doesn’t always have to be about uncovering your deepest darkest emotions. It can be about stimulating your brain in a new, creative way after hours of math problems. Check out 20+ Journal Prompts to Get You Jotting. Journal entries are also a ton of fun to look back at!

Take yourself on a date to Student Health Services

I know you’ve got a case of the “Colgate Cough,” because who doesn’t? Do yourself a favor and book that appointment with Student Health Services you’ve been putting off. It’ll be so much easier to study when you aren’t hacking up a lung.

Change up your study space

Okay, although this one isn’t exactly a study break, I find changing up my workspace to be one of the best ways to increase productivity. Got a big paper you’ve been dreading having to write? Take a walk down to Flour & Salt, grab yourself a bagel and get to work. Just because your work is stuffy and boring doesn’t mean your environment has to be.

Abigail Call

Colgate '26

Abby Call is a current freshman at Colgate University, where she is considering an English/Philosophy double major. She loves all types of music, coffee, A24 movies and travelling.