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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Coastal Carolina chapter.

 Whether you’re back at school and trying to catch up on work that you missed over the hurrication, or you are back at school from break we know that life can get stressful and hectic. Here are some tips to help you cope with the craziness life throws your way:

Get Into A Routine. Getting into a routine will help you with time management and help you to not be as stressed.

Avoid Pulling All-Nighters. Sleep is crucial to your body and staying healthy. Typically, try to get 6-8 hours of sleep because your body needs it to reset and recharge itself.

Spend Time With Friends, But Also Know Your Limit. It’s important to spend time with your friends. See the latest movie or watch the football game. Whatever you guys enjoy doing. But also, don’t be afraid to say no. Know your limits and make schoolwork a priority. If you decide to go out on a Friday night, make sure you put time aside on Saturday or Sunday to do all of your work for the week. 

Do Something Artsy (Journaling, Photography, Painting, Etc.) Having a place to completely unwind takes care of your mental health especially when you are drowning in assignments. Drowning in assignments can cause high stress, but doing fun activities can help your mental health. It is important to release this stress safely and productively. I am not artistic by any means, so I tend to journal when I need to release built-up mental energy. I know people who paint or sketch, and some people tend to have one piece of canvas that they continue to use when they are stressed. After the end of the semester normally it becomes a beautiful addition to their walls. 

Snack and Stay Hydrated. When you are doing your work, make sure you are taking snack breaks and sipping a bottle of water. When you are focused it is difficult to remember to eat and drink, but it is essential to being productive and putting out the best work you are capable of. It helps if you have granola bars or peanut butter crackers in your school bag, nightstand, sitting on your desk, or wherever you seem to find yourself when you are getting ready to study. 

Michelle Boyette

Coastal Carolina '22

Michelle is a student studying public health, psychology, and creative writing. She is hoping that through her writing she will spark joy and change in a world that is desperately in need of both.