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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

I get it, we’ve been stuck at home and online for what seems like forever. It may feel like quarantine has made you less productive or more lazy than usual; But now is not the time for negative thoughts. Here are four things to remember if you’re feeling down about 2020.

You are still here

As of September over 800,000 people have lost their lives to the Coronavirus. It may seem like you did nothing this year, but what is most important is that you are still here. We often take our moments on this planet for granted. With the difficulty of recent events, including the death of many celebrities and citizens in our own country, it is important to remember that our biggest gift is the ability to wake up in the morning. 


Self care isn’t a waste of time

If you’ve felt unproductive during the summer or even now it’s because you needed a “mental health day” and remember that self-care isn’t a waste of time. This has been a stressful year despite most of us spending the bulk of our time in our sweatpants. Whether you needed time to destress because of school, the virus, protests, this election, or anything else, you deserved it. And you still deserve to spend a whole day on the couch if that makes you feel better. Self-care is productive and this year we were all given the opportunity to focus on that a little more than usual.

We’ve learned a LOT

I think everyone has learned a lot about how we handle health, politics, and controversy. A lot of big events have happened in 2020 and even though they may have been violent or sad, we have learned a lot about what needs to be fixed moving forward. Hopefully, you have also learned a thing or two this year and can apply it in life as we try to move onto the next chapter.

The year isn’t over

I know we are ready for 2021 at this point, but try to make the most out of the rest of this year. 2020 may have really sucked but there are still a few more months to make the most out of the beginning of a new decade. You can continue your self-care journey, start a new hobby, work hard on online school, or simply call a loved one if you are apart. 


2020 isn’t the greatest year ever, but it wasn’t a waste. The last thing this year needs is all of us beating ourselves up just because we aren’t at our best right now. Forget the past and move forward…no matter how slow you seem to be going.

Sara is a Communication major studying at Clemson University. She loves writing and reporting on all topics, but favors writing on wellness and lifestyle. When she isn't writing (or doing homework) she loves going to the gym, listening to music, and watching movies with friends. Follow her on instagram @sara.ciply
Rachel Diemer

Clemson '23

I am a sophomore Psychology major at Clemson! I love to write and I am passionate about mental illness and hope to pursue a career in counseling... but I also just love sunflowers, coffee, & naps :)