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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

It’s that time in the year again, and I’m not talking about Christmas. As November draws to a close, December looms on the horizon, and before you can slip into the comfort of the holidays, you have to survive the most dreaded two words you’ll probably ever hear on a college campus – exam week.

Check your planner, I dare you.

If your planner looks anything like mine, you’ll realize that the days between you and your first exam are passing faster than you hoped, and suddenly, you’re running full-speed into exam season.

Whether your acing every class with ease or having to put in the hard work, exam week is scary – and it’s normal to have anxiety about it. But listen here: you are a badass, and you got this. If you don’t believe me, here are four tips for a better exam week.


1. Take Some Self-Care Time

Self-care is important, especially around exam week. You may feel like you need to chain yourself to your desk and sacrifice everything else in the name of your GPA, but let yourself take a break. Take a night off to relax and devote some energy towards yourself and your own wellbeing. You’ll be refreshed and on your “A” game for exams. Even if it’s just taking a shower and doing a load of laundry, prioritize yourself this exam season. 

2. Face the Problems Head-On

I know that it can be terrifying to walk into exam week, especially if this is your first semester, but you’ll be glad you faced your fears. The best way to nail your exams and keep your spirits up is to be prepared. Plan out your exam schedule and reach out to your peers to form study groups. If you have a study guide, don’t put it off. You’ll feel ready to take on the world if you break your workload into manageable pieces. Plus, you’ll avoid the dreaded All-Nighter-Didn’t-Work Panic.

3. Make Plans for Winter Break

Right now, it feels like exam week is the only thing that exists in the immediate future, and but I promise that the world doesn’t end after your last exam. Make some fun plans so you have something to look forward to. If you have a night on campus before going home, destress with friends, or maybe organize a road trip over break! You’ll escape pre-exam dread and will have fun, too.

4. Remember To Take Care of Yourself

Your GPA is important, but so are you. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Remember to push aside the books occasionally and focus on your own wellbeing.

If you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, etc., and it begins to interfere with your life, reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). You can reach them via telephone, their website, or their physical location in Redfern on campus.

CAPS Contact

Weekdays: 864-656-2451

After-hours or weekends: 864-656-2222, ask for the CAPS on-call counselor


Mayme Medlock is a junior at Clemson University, studying political science with an emphasis in international relations. In her free time, you'll find her chasing cute dogs, talking about studying abroad in the Balkans, watching copious amounts of Netflix, and putting people at ease when they question her name's pronunciation (May-m, not May-me).
Hannah Fanset

Clemson '21

Hi, Everyone! I'm Hannah Fanset. I'm a sophomore from Rochester, NY, and I'm majoring in psychology and management. My favorite things are books, movies, traveling, eating good food and laughing way too loud.