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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

As I know many people are, I am trying to save money during this quarantine because of the uncertainty of the future. This can be pretty difficult when tempted with all of the sales that are going on, as well as my love of skincare. I’ve always wanted to make simple DIY skincare products, so what better time than now? It saves money and also gives you something to do.

There are three DIY products that I will be attempting first. I’ve already done the lip scrub, and all of them are really simple, using 2 or 3 common ingredients.

Lip Scrub (2 Ingredients)

All you need for this is some sugar and honey or agave. The ratio is all up to you and how rough you want the scrub to be. I recommend starting with sugar and adding drops of honey to it, stirring occasionally with a spoon or a toothpick to check the consistency, instead of the other way around. Also, remember that lips are pretty sensitive so something that doesn’t seem very rough to the touch may be when used on the lips. The good news is, if you try it once and want to change it, all you have to do is make a quick trip to the pantry.

Body Scrub (2 ingredients, more optional) 

I found this recipe with a quick google search. It’s very informative because it tells you what different kinds of sugars are best for, as well as the properties of various kinds of oils that you might want to use. The best thing about this is that at the most basic level, all you need is sugar and olive oil, things that most people have just sitting in the pantry.


Hair Masks (2-3 ingredients) 

Here is where it gets the most exciting for me. I think spending a lot of money on hair products is really frustrating, but often feels necessary. The worst part is, it’s sometimes hard to assess if a hair product is truly helping my hair or making it worse. Maybe a product makes my hair look nice, but it gets greasier faster, for instance. I found one website and one video with a bunch of hair mask recipes, all catered to specific hair complaints. I think it’s a really good way to treat specific concerns, since hair is always changing and may need different treatments at different times.  


Video: DIY Hair Masks You Need to Try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=366&v=uPvWs6sqQTk&feature=emb_logo

This video has an exfoliating mask, a moisturizing mask, and a hydrating mask.


Website: 7 DIY Hair Masks That Will Actually Work: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/hair/g29627145/diy-hair-masks/

This website has mask recipes for dry hair, flakes, dullness, hair that won’t grow, irritated scalp, grease, and damage.

I am a first-year at Clark University and am undecided on a major. The only plans I currently have are to travel (and one day get a dog).
Joy is a senior at Clark University majoring in Management on a data analytics and marketing track with a minor in Community Youth and Education Studies. She loves going on road trips and spending time with family and friends. She enjoys trying various cultural cuisines (Indian food is her favorite **Chicken saag with a side of naan please**) and has an obsession with going to Morocco.