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Loving Yourself Is Skin Deep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

Black, white, blue, purple. Whatever color you are you are still a human being. It is 2017, you would think that we are past the discrimination of people because of the color of their skin. The sad truth is that there is still prejudices in our world today. Choosing to be hateful towards others based on their complexion is called being racist. There are no if ands or buts about it. If you are someone who are bothered by people who don’t look like you, ask yourself why? Why is it that they bother you so much? Remember being a child and not even acknowledging a person’s race? Have they changed, or have you? I remember playing on the playground at recess and having so many friends of all different races. I was not worried what they look like, I just cared about them being nice and playing with me. A person is not born hating others, they are taught.


People teach their children, siblings, and friends to have hatred in their heart. Why spread hate with others when you can spread love? To truly be a “United States”, the citizens must join and accept everyone. It seems as if today, we are regressing regarding racism. There are more and more stories in the media of people displaying acts of hatred towards others of the opposite race. There are many who are passed up for jobs based on their looks. For instance, there are children profiled by their looks; if they are wearing the wrong clothes in the wrong neighborhood, harm could come to them. How can we change the mindset of so many? It starts with the adults. We must all realize that we are all the same other that the amount of melanin in us. We must stop thinking of things such as “Look at that scary black man” or “I don’t like that girl because she is white”, to truly change our way of thinking. To give you a little something to think about, Rodney King once said, “Can’t we all just get along?”