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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

Going through my senior year at college really opened my eyes on some of the feelings I have had leaving my family and going to school 5 hours away. I’m sure many of you reading this have similar thoughts and feelings about being away at college. These aren’t bad feelings, but feelings that really make you realize the love that you have for you family at home.

When first starting college, it was not a big deal to me. At first, I was a little weary about leaving home, but after some weeks went by I knew that I would be okay. Yeah, I missed being home, but I was not begging to come back. I would go home for breaks and then want to come back to college early to hang out with my friends here. I almost would rather be at school than be home because I love the atmosphere that surrounded me at college. I love seeing my friends whenever I can, and I love all the exciting new adventures we go on. I felt ready to be on my own.

As the years went by, I felt less eager going back to college. I wanted to, but at the same time I just wanted to stay home. Mixed feelings is what I call this. Then thoughts about my future would come up, did I want to stay around the area that my college is located at quite a distance away? Would I want to move further away from my family and start a new life? Or would I rather be back at home surrounded by my family?

This question is still stuck in my mind. How do I go about living away from my family the rest of my life? Granted, it’s not like I am leaving them forever and never talking to them again… But I won’t have as many opportunities to see my family. These thoughts really made me think about what my family means to me. I continue to think about getting older, which in return means that my parents and grandparents are getting older as well. That is what really gets me. The thought of being away from my family for the rest of my life, I really can’t imagine doing.

On a side note, being away from my actual family, made me make a new college family here. The friends I have made at college mean a lot to me. They are friends that I would stick by through thick and thin, just like my blood relatives. These are friends that I also think about leaving here shortly and makes me wonder if I really want to be away from them as well.

The question will always be on my mind about where I want to end up and if I am willing to be away from family for some more time, but in the end it will always be known that the love you have for your family and the love they have for you, is always unconditional.



Clarion University '18.