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International Day of Happiness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

The International Day of Happiness was created by the United Nations and is a global celebration that includes 160 countries. The happiness campaign is all about focusing on human happiness and well-being, instead of just money and the economy. I personally think this is something everyone should live by. People can be so money hungry and are only concerned about making a profit. Yes, we all need money, but we shouldn’t all be consumed with greed.

The very first International Day of Happiness took place in 2013 and focused on happy heroes; those in our communities who bring happiness to others. In 2014, people shared authentic images of what makes them happy. The purpose of this was to “reclaim happiness” back from fake commercial images of happiness that we see all the time. The 2015 campaign focused on relationships. People from all over the world reached out to others to make new positive connections.

According to actionforhappiness.org, the 10 keys to happier living are giving, relating, exercising, awareness, trying out, direction, resilience, emotions, acceptance and meaning. The first letter of each of these together spells Great Dream

The site also features 51 actions that can bring happiness to your life. Here they are:

Action 1: Take the Action for Happiness Pledge

Action 2: Do Kind Things for Others

Action 3: Create a Local Action Group for Happiness

Action 4: Find Three Good Things Each Day

Action 5: Thank the People You’re Grateful To

Action 6: Look for the Good in Those Around You

Action 7: Bring Mindfulness Into Your Day

Action 8: Find Your Strengths and Focus on Using Them

Action 9: Get Help If You’re Struggling

Action 10: Help Kids Build Emotional Resilience

Action 11: Use Positive Parenting Techniques

Action 12: Volunteer Your Time, Energy, and Skills

Action 13: Try Something New or Different

Action 14: Help Out a Friend in Need

Action 15: Make Something Happen for a Good Cause

Action 16: Set Your Goals and Make Them Happen

Action 17: Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

Action 18: Be Curious and Get Inspired

Action 19: Give Yourself a Happiness Check-Up

Action 20: Learn How to Meditate

Action 21: Know Your Thoughts, Chose Your Actions

Action 22: Find Your True Purpose

Action 23: Really Listen to What People are Saying

Action 24: Understand Each Other’s Needs

Action 25: Get to Know Your Neighbors Better

Action 26: Ask Others About the Things That Have Gone Well

Action 27: Get in Touch with Your Spiritual Side

Action 28: Detox Your Negative Thinking Patterns

Action 29: Get Completely Absorbed in Something

Action 30: Figure Out What’s Important to You

Action 31: Be Positive but Stay Realistic

Action 32: Write Down Your Dreams for the Future

Action 33: Be Realistic in Your Reasoning

Action 34: Get Happiness on the Agenda at Your Child’s School

Action 35: Get Happiness on the Agenda at Your College or University

Action 36: Get Happiness on the Agenda at Your Place of Work

Action 37: Get Happiness on the Agenda of Your Existing Group

Action 38: Boost Your Positivity Ratio

Action 39: Get Outside and Enjoy the Natural World

Action 40: Unplug – Take a Break from Technology

Action 41: Take Care of the World Around You

Action 42: Find a Way to Make Exercise Fun

Action 43: Wake Up Your MP and Counsel to Wellbeing

Action 44: Have Tactics for the Tough Times

Action 45: Enhance Your Relationship with Your Partner

Action 46: Make Time for Your Friends and Family

Action 47: Get a Good Balance Between Work and Life

Action 48: Organize a Party on Your Street

Action 49: Find Happiness at Work

Action 50: Create a Happier Environment at Work

Action 51: Create a Local Happiness Café


For more information about the International Day of Happiness check out: http://www.dayofhappiness.net/about/

For more information about Action for Happiness check out: http://www.actionforhappiness.org/take-action