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Clarion University Is My Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

I love Clarion!


At the beginning of the semester, I was so excited to be back, ambitious about the future that I had here! Ready to let all of my plans fall into place. I had loved this university since I was young, and I thought that nothing could change that.

About mid semester, something did change that. My semester started to go south. It was not everything I hoped and dreamed it would be and I became very miserable and pessimistic. Part of me wanted to transfer, but had no idea where I would go. What new school could I call home and love the way that I loved Clarion? I hated that I felt the way I did, but I was too distraught. I didn’t think anything could change the way I was feeling when I was so down on myself.

It is now the end of the semester, and I can say, without a doubt, that I love Clarion more than ever.

The staff, alone, restored my faith in this school. They reminded me why I love this school more than anything. As the last week of classes end and finals week approaches, I find myself saying goodbye to some of the most magnificent people that I have ever met. I have had professors who have proven the claim that we all heard at freshman orientation, and scoffed at in our heads because we know it is all just a big marketing ploy, “the professors here truly care about every one of their students.” This is so beyond accurate.

I had a professor who offered uplifting advice when he saw what I was going through, bought a card and had the entire class sign it when another student’s mother passed away, and bought a present for another student’s first born when the second born came along (along with another card signed by the entire class and a gift card!).

 I had another professor who worked tirelessly to provide individual helpful feedback on the final project, befriended students, and continuously provided friendship through hilarious posts. That professor is one true friend that can help to survive any situation (if the terms of the claim are defined properly).

I had a professor that never physically showed he was taking attendance because he learned everyone’s names within the first week and did not need a sheet of paper to remind him who was there and who was not, noticed when people were not in class and made sure to email them, and noticed when something was off with a student (me) and made sure to reach out and offer where to find assistance.

I had a professor (who has always been my favorite reason for why I chose my major) teach the class and inspire us to visit the beautiful land of Canada, make us laugh and learn through doing.

I even had a professor that knew we were all taking the class as a general education course so he made sure it was easy, but that we actually truly learned something.

My professors encouraged me to succeed, reminded me of who I am, and reminded me of some things I used to love but forgot about somewhere along this journey that is my life.

My point is, there are good professors out there. Or good people for that matter. Yeah, we may not like everyone, but Clarion is stock full of high vibe energy fantastic faculty.

Clarion is by no means perfect, but it is my home. It has been for a long time. I used to love Clarion for the escape it provided, this semester made me want to run from it, but now I remember that this frozen tundra town is my oasis (at least until I graduate and get to move somewhere warm because like ew, cold).