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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Don’t get me wrong, my Thanksgiving break was great.

In fact, it was fantastic.

I got to spend time with my family, explore New York City, make memories and catch up on much-needed rest after midterm season. There were so many unforgettable moments that I will always look back on fondly. I don’t regret a thing.

However, the best part of the trip was, surprisingly, my return to school. It was then that I realized how much perspective I had gained in a week.

My friends picked me up at the airport, and we drove to Chick-fil-A to grab a quick bite before heading back to campus. At that moment, I realized something profound: My university truly is home.

This university is so much more than a campus; it is a community that I truly feel a part of. This school has given me the first opportunity to truly forge my own path in life. For my entire life, I was in situations because of where my family was living or what they were doing. In this chapter, it is all me. I chose this school. I chose this major. I chose these clubs. I chose these incredible people by my side.

Never before have I felt so in charge of my own life decisions.

Everywhere I go here, I feel loved and accepted, and I am constantly in awe of how genuine the people I am surrounded by are. Every day, friends stop by to say hi. Professors offer help because they care. Roommates share anecdotes from their days. There are familiar faces everywhere, from the friendly crossing guard to the nice old man in the library I buy coffee from every night, to the friends that feel like family now.

I couldn’t be more grateful.

My little on-campus apartment is my anchor. Just by walking out the door, I can attend exciting events, clubs where I can connect with people who share my passions, classes where I gain the skills I need to thrive in the future, or friends’ rooms where I can relax and rest knowing that I am in a place of acceptance. I can study with others in the library, walk around the dorm area and say hello to people with their doors open… and, of course, I can grab my daily bagel and iced latte in between classes and greet the baristas I see every day.

Everywhere I go is an opportunity to connect.

Sure, I’ve had my moments. Life is not perfect, and sometimes we have bad days. Even on those days, however, I never feel completely alone.

One time, I was sitting outside my apartment, crying because I was feeling really low. I looked up, and my neighbor, who I barely know, walked up to me and gave me a hug. She asked me what was wrong, and, even though I couldn’t verbalize it to her, reassured me that her door was always open and that she hoped my day got brighter.

That is what I call home: being surrounded by people who truly care and uplift, even when it would be easier for them to stay in their own lane and turn a blind eye.

Home is so much more than four walls and a roof.  It the opportunity to grow as an individual, while being loved unconditionally.

That is what my university experience has given me.