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Getting the Most of Your Workout: Dorm Room Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1.     For the most space, try to work out when your roommate has class or is busy doing something not in the room.

2.     Be creative! Use your desk chair for a leg workout, or the stairs in your building for a little extra cardio.

3.     Play a YouTube workout video! They’re free and you can choose the perfect one for you. ToneItUp and Blogilates are two great channels dedicated to workouts you can do without machines.

4.     Invest in a yoga mat. There’s no arguing that a yoga mat is ten times better than a dirty, hard dorm room floor. A yoga mat is the perfect place to do push ups and sit ups, hold a plank, or even do some lunges.

5.     When it doubt, dance it out. You can’t go wrong with blasting some music and jump around with a friend.