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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Not all accomplishments have to be big ones. Personally, sometimes I feel like I didn’t get anything done at all if I don’t do school work all day long. Whenever I see others around me studying all day, or getting ahead in their classes, it makes me feel like I am not as good as them or not accomplishing enough. I am not living up to the “smart-kid” complex that many students at UNC (and universities in general) have. 

This is not true. Simply put, point-blank, not all accomplishments have to be big ones. The things that you do should not be measured against what other people do. 

Some days, making your bed and doing your laundry can be your accomplishments for the day. Working out could be your accomplishment. Drinking a lot of water, cooking breakfast for yourself or going to the store to buy your groceries might be you doing your best! Okay, I’m rambling, but you get the point. Not everything has to be an “all caps,” “bolded” to-do list item. 

I always try to make it a point to write things on my to-do list that are important to do but aren’t necessarily physically or mentally taxing. My list usually looks like this: 

  • Make bed
  • Clean room
  • Take vitamins & birth control
  • Complete assignments & lectures for the day
  • Drink water 
  • Do skin care 
  • Do some kind of physical activity (yoga, running, walking, etc.) 

It feels good to mark through tasks in order to feel like I’m getting things done — especially when I get to check off the last item of the day. It is also important to remember and realize that if you don’t get to everything that is on your list, you shouldn’t get down on yourself. It’s okay to do it tomorrow, or the next day. 

Feel good about what you accomplished, and remember to take time for yourself and your mental health. Get lots of sleep, eat good food and drink water, but most of all, remember that not all accomplishments have to be huge. 

Emily Murray

Chapel Hill '22

Emily Murray is a junior at UNC, double majoring in Biology and English. She loves reading and writing poetry. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter at @emilyrmurray1.