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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Even though we’re all inside, practicing social distancing, us college students still have a lot of work to do. Here are five tips to keep you motivated and productive!

Use the Pomodoro Method!

The Pomodoro Method has helped me so much, these past couple weeks. The method breaks up your study time into 25-minute chunks. Set a goal for the 25 minutes, or a larger goal you can break up, and after 25 minutes of working, take a short break (3-5 minutes). After four repetitions (100 minutes), take a longer break (25-30 minutes). Right now, I have so many papers due, and the Pomodoro method has saved me. By breaking down my paper into smaller goals, I’m able to feel productive. The short little breaks are great for dance parties (more on that soon) or changing locations, which brings me to my next point!

Change Rooms and Scenery!

If you’re anything like me, you have your favorite study spots. In my apartment, I always sit in the same chair (facing the kitchen, for some reason). I’ve found that after an hour or two of working in the same spot, I get a little antsy. Just by moving locations, whether it’s to the couch in my living room or to the desk in my bedroom, I can make the day feel less monotonous. Plus, now’s the time to put up all those decorations you’ve been keeping in storage! Sprucing up your room (or, if you’re in your childhood room, taking stuff down from the walls that you’ve had up since 2014) can feel like a brand new start!

Study with Friends!

If you do your best when studying with others, you might be struggling right now. But keep in mind that all of us are in this together! Link up with some of your friends (or even classmates) and FaceTime or Zoom! Even if you don’t get a lot of studying done and just end up talking, you’re getting in some vital social time.

Dance it Out!

Whenever I feel absolutely drained, I queue up some of my favorite songs on Spotify and dance it out. It’s like hitting the reset button—I automatically feel reenergized, and I’m in a much better mood. If you’re completely exhausted, but close to finishing up your goals for the day, take five minutes and just dance it out. Not only does this serve as a great mini-break from work, it’s great to get up and move, after sitting or laying down for an extended period of time.

Do Something For Yourself

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a student, a daughter, a sister, a friend or a worker. You may be putting a lot of your energy into schoolwork or your job, or you may be acting as emotional support for your family and friends. Odds are, you also have to deal with online classes. Though we might all be stuck inside, that doesn’t mean you aren’t expending energy. Be sure to reserve some time—even just 30 minutes—for yourself. Whatever your self-care looks like (gaming, reading, baths, cooking, doing your makeup), make sure you implement it into your routine!

The end of the semester is near, which means that, at the very least, some of our stressors will be gone in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, these tips will help you push through until the end! Stay safe, friends!

Gennifer Eccles is an alumna at UNC Chapel Hill and the co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Chapel Hill. She studied English and Women & Gender Studies. Her dream job is to work at as an editor for a publishing house, where she can bring her two majors together to help publish diverse, authentic and angst-ridden romance novels.