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The Right Shot: The First Time of the Women’s Soccer Team at Juca

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The Communication and Arts University Games, aka JUCA, is an university championship organized by the Athletic League for Communication and Arts (LAACA). This year, eight universities are participating: Cásper Líbero, Anhembi Morumbi, Belas Artes, ECA-USP, Mackenzie, Metodista, PUC-Campinas and PUC-SP.

Among the modalities are futsal, handball, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, field tennis, swimming, chess, field football and rugby. However, soccer – just like rugby 2 years ago -, only existed for men’s teams. The women’s teams of soccer only begin to be accepted now, in 2018, as a demonstrative modality. Which means that only after two years, in a ballot among the athletic, it will be (or not) official.

The casperian women’s soccer  team was created in March, when the first training began, with the initiative of the girls who wanted to play and didn’t have a space for it. The training sessions, for now, take place every Sunday, at 5 pm, at the Villa Lobos Park.

Giovanna Sutto, Journalism student, has already played futsal at Casper and is one of the women’s footballers. Giovanna tells the importance of starting to think about the new modality. “I love football since I was young, and starting a women’s football team is a big step. We have a high expectation for JUCA and we want to win, even though it’s still demonstrative”, she says.

Exactly for being new, the still team doesn’t have an official coach. Training sessions are set up by the Atlética’s members with the help of coaches from the men’s teams. Isabela Galeani, Radio, TV & Internet student, is one of the main responsible ones. “It’s a pride and a great challenge to be ahead of it,” says Isabela.

The debut of the women’s soccer team at JUCA is a breakthrough not only for the athletes, but for all the Casper students. The creation and beginning of activities is one of the many steps to overcome chauvinism, showing that women want and can play a good game. To Isabela, “it’s important because it increases the girls’ representation”.

To enter the team, girls inform that all you have to do is talk with any team member. Interested girls will be added in the group and will participate in the training. The casperian Dalva Kohl guarantees: “You don’t need to know how to play, you don’t have to be good at the sport, you just have to feel like learning and meeting people.”

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Julia Martins

Casper Libero

Julia Martins is a Journalism student at Cásper Líbero College. She has a passion for having a passion for things, but he admits that music and gastronomy have a special place in them.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.