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Maskne: How To Avoid This Skin Lesion Caused By The Excessive Use of Masks?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, an increase in mechanical acne – that one which is not caused by hormones, but due to external factors – was portrayed by the population. The reason? The excessive use of masks, item that considered one of the most efficient to prevent the spread and contagion of the disease. This skin lesion phenomenon has become known as “maskne“, and has already affected thousands of people around the world. 

To discuss more about this subject, Her Campus Casper Libero talked with the beautician Ana Luisa Andrade, who explained better what it is, how to prevent it and the necessary care for our skin health during this pandemic period. Check the interview below!

What is maskne?

Maskne is the name of the new skin lesion phenomenon that is happening with several people after the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, due to the use of protective masks. The name comes from the English mixture of the words ‘mask’ and ‘acne’”, explains Ana Luisa.

According to the beautician, this type of acne can be classified as mechanical, since, instead of being caused by hormonal factors that increase the production of oil, it occurs due to the friction of the skin with the cloth. Another kind of mechanical acne which was already known is, for example, that one which occurs in people who sleep by lying only one side of the face on the pillow and end up with pimples specifically on this part of the face.

Ana Luisa points out that this practice creates, in the pillow, the perfect stuffy and damp ambience for the proliferation of bacteria. “This perfect environment also occurs inside the masks, since when we talk and breathe, we release moisture and heat inside the mask, which contributes to the worsening of acne”, she explains.

How to avoid it?

“Since there is still no prediction of when it will be safe to stop using masks, the way is to take a lot of care of our skins, in order to try to reduce its effects as much as possible”, Ana Luisa claims.

According to her, the best way to avoid this type of acne is to use masks that are made of light and soft tissues, which do not cause a micro exfoliation on the skin. “Changing the fabric mask every two hours for a cleaning, besides helping more in the prevention of Covid-19 and other diseases, also prevents acne”, she advises.

What daily care is needed?

The beautician responds directly: everyone needs to take skincare! According to Ana Luisa, the daily care of all people, regardless of the maskne, must always consist of washing, toning, hydrating and protecting. “These four steps are indispensable even in the pandemic and despite social isolation, to avoid that the acne gets worse”, she says.

Which assets and products do you recommend to prevent this kind of skin lesion?

“During the day, the ideal is to bet on hydrating in gel or serum, because they are lighter, of easy absorption and generally do not take oils in the composition”. Ana states that an excellent asset for this kind of proceeding is the hyaluronic acid, which delivers the hydration without changing the skin greasiness. “Remember that the bacteria that cause acne feed on greasiness, so we should avoid products that are rich in oils during the period in which we are using the mask”, she advises.

For night use, in which you are not wearing the mask, you can bet on assets such as acids for night use. According to the beautician, “the ideal are the lighter acids, such as azelaic acid or glycolic, which will not cause irritability. Acne bacteria do not survive in acidic environments, so it is a great way to fight against them”.

Does maskne happen only in people with oily skin?

“Not necessarily! Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been receiving people in my clinic room who report that they always had dry skin but since they started to use masks, they noticed the appearance of pimples”, Anna claims.

According to her, subtle external factors are enough to change the characteristics of our skin. “As an example, there are skins that present acne in tropical climates but not in cold seasons. Humidity and warmth can make a lot of difference on the skin”, she says.

 Is it possible to cure maskne with aesthetic procedures?

“Cure is a very strong word. We can treat, recover and control, through procedures that aim to rebalance the skin microflora and combat the dreaded bacteria”, Anna says. 

According to the beautician, a good old skin cleansing is a great start to help in this moment. “This procedure can be associated with superficial chemical peelings, blue Led for bactericidal effect, high frequency to improve the cicatrization and cosmetics that help to dry and to heal the acne”, she advises.

Quarantine is really affecting our physical and mental health. Therefore, it is always important to pay attention to ourselves and take a few minutes of our day to practice self care, as a way to stay healthy during this tough period. In case of any change in your skin, consult your esthetician or dermatologist to receive a more specific care and the treatment indicated for your needs. Take care, love yourself!


The article above was edited by Helena Cardoso.

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Anna Casiraghi

Casper Libero '23

Estudante de jornalismo, apaixonada por política e fotografia.