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How Makeup Became a Form of Identity and Way of Expressing Yourself in Society

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The history of makeup is a complex journey that transformed itself significantly over the years. Across diverse cultures, makeup assumes various meanings and functions. In the modern world, it has evolved into much more than a cosmetic, it has become a powerful tool for personal expression, empowerment, and identity. It offers individuals the means to show themselves, affirm their unique identities, and fight conventional beauty norms.


In ancient Egypt, makeup was created and sourced from nature’s ingredients. Both men and women used cosmetics, and it wasn’t just for mere beauty. Makeup was a statement of wealth, a source of personal power, and a symbol of protection. As time passed, makeup evolved. It changed and traveled to different parts of the earth’s globe, passing through places such as Greece and China, where it assumed distinct meanings in each new country. Your text is quite clear and informative, but I can offer a minor revision to enhance its flow:

Over the years and across different cultures, the concept of beauty has passed through fascinating transformations, and alongside these shifts, the art of makeup has also evolved. In ancient China, a light-colored foundation and a bright red blush can be thought of as the “viral trend” of its time. Meanwhile, in the 1920s, the Western World witnessed the emergence of red lipstick and dramatic makeup looks, influenced by the glamorous Hollywood movie stars who set the standards for perfection.


In our modern world, makeup means more than ever. It’s not only about looking good or being perfect, it’s about showing who you are. People started to use makeup to express themselves and to feel confident. One key factor driving the makeup revolution is the rise of social media. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have provided a global stage for makeup artists and enthusiasts to showcase their skills and creativity.

Beauty influencers have millions of followers, proving that makeup can be a legitimate career and a means of self-expression. It is often seen as a form of mask to hide imperfections, but some people discovered a way to express their unique personality throughout it. Makeup can empower individuals to experiment with different looks and express themselves and their emotions. The cosmetic is no longer just about conforming to societal beauty standards, it’s about rejecting those standards in favor of personal authenticity.

The digital influencer, Carol Barragana, reflected on her connection with makeup during an interview with HerCampus. She explained: “I never saw makeup as a correction of our face or an attempt to change something; it has always been about creating, almost like creating a character, as a form to express my emotions.” For Carol and many others, makeup serves as a powerful tool for building their personalities and showing their true selves to the world, all without saying a single word. “People wouldn’t have to talk to me to know that I have something to say, something different, or that I felt different”, said Carol.


Makeup goes beyond aesthetics, it is a form of self-expression. It has helped many people discover their roles and express their unique identities within society. For Carol, it is clear the mentality of Generation Z. This new generation is coming to understand that being unique is nice and liberating. It breaks free from the societal norms and expectations that try to put people inside a box. Instead, it encourages embracing one’s authentic self, and makeup plays a huge role in this journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.

For the LGBT+ Community, makeup has played an integral role in self-discovery and empowerment. It provides a medium through which individuals can outwardly express their gender identity and sexuality. For many, makeup serves as a crucial means of embracing and celebrating their true selves.

Makeup’s transformation into a form of identity and self-expression represents a societal shift toward embracing diversity and individuality. It allows people to create and share their own stories, often overcoming the constraints of conventional beauty norms. Makeup, once a mere beauty tool, now has become a vibrant canvas for personal expression, making it a useful product to represent people and help them express themselves in society, a form of identity. 

The article above was edited by Isadora Costa.
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Júlia Darú

Casper Libero '26

My name is Júlia Darú and I'm a journalist student at Casper Libero University.