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The Coronavirus Is Back In Europe: Reasons And Risks Of A Second Wave

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Europe is again making restrictions on social life and canceling surgeries due to the return of Covid-19. With the mark of 100 thousand infected per day, European countries are rushing to readmit past measures. For example, French cities returned curfews and the Netherlands rescued the partial lockdown. 

Germany, United Kingdom and France are resistant to the closing of schools since, in the first period of the pandemic, many parents had to split between home office and their children’s education at home. However, the Czech Republic, the country with the highest rate of infection in Europe, has already adopted online classes. 

After controlling the number of cases in the first half and the arrival of summer, Europe had eased the quarantine to try to recover the economy. As a result, the flow of people away from home increased and so did the contamination.

According to the infectologist Ingrid Cotta, doctor at the hospital BP- A Beneficiência Portuguesa de São Paulo, the greater number of people on the streets is one of the reasons why the virus is once again challenging the European continent. In addition, it is more difficult to keep the population at home after a long quarantine period. “Social isolation is one of the pillars for the control of Covid-19 in society”, she reiterates.

coronavirus spread
Photo by United Nations COVID-19 Response from Unsplash

On October 15th, the World Healthy Organization said the growth of a second wave of Covid-19 in Europe is worrisome. According to the Organization, Europe is registering double or triple cases per day compared to the peak of the pandemic in April. In contrast, the number of deaths recorded now represents only one fifth of what was recorded in that period.

But, Ingrid Cotta warns of the danger of the second wave of Covid-19, “One of the risks is linked to the virus that can mutate”. In addition, the infectologist points out that the disease can leave consequences and sequels on those who have been infected.

For the infectologist, It is necessary to accept that the globe will live with the virus. She reinforces the importance to maintain preventive attitudes. Such as wearing masks, maintaining social isolation and the search for one or more vaccines that help control the disease. 

“We need to have some points of attention in relation to the characteristics of this second wave. For example, the fact that it is affecting more young people who, at first, are the people who are more exposed”, says Ingrid Cotta.

Cotta did not rule out the possibility that other continents could also pass through the virus again. According to her, those contries which found it more difficult to implement preventive measures are more likely to face a new wave of contagion of the coronavirus.


The article above was edited by Camila Nascimento.

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Laura Vicaria

Casper Libero '23

Laura is jornalism student at Faculdade Casper Libero and a feminist in Brazil. She is passionate about fashion, pop culture and female power. Taking women to the top of journalistic positions is one of her biggest goals as a professional and supporter of gender equality.