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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

While winter break is a time to be around family and friends, and typically a time to celebrate the holidays, many people find it to also be extremely stressful, especially college students.  Coming back home for an extended period of time is a relief, but with the routine and socialization that you find on a college campus being gone, it can leave you feeling stagnant and bored while at home.

After Thanksgiving break, I decided to ask my friends around campus, and additionally explore what helped me relax in my day to day life to come up with the 4 perfect tips for relaxing this holiday season. 

1) Exercise

While on campus, I personally found that whenever I felt stressed or anxious about something, doing pilates, barre, or even light yoga helped my mindset tremendously. My head would feel a lot clearer after moving my body and getting rid of stagnant, anxious energy. While at home, I realized I could also do the same. Grabbing a yoga mat, I pulled up a few workout videos from Youtube as a guide, and used that to get my weekly pilates in. My favorite instructors online are definitely Madeleine Abeid and Alexis Ren. Keeping this routine up and maintaining my physical health were definitely a large factor in helping me stay grounded and connected to myself despite not having too much to do at home.

2) Get Creative

Many of the girls I spoke to mentioned creating art as their favorite way to unwind. A friend of mine discussed how painting and drawing was an outlet for her to turn her brain off, while also making art that she enjoyed. Another shared how her medium of choice was crocheting, and how it helped her create both clothing and learn new ways to perfect the craft. As someone who enjoys to write, a way I like to relax is journaling. It can either be personal, or just small essays about things I’m enjoying from that day or week. It helps me view things in a larger perspective while also getting to hone my writing skills and vocabulary. I also enjoy doodling, normally while watching a show. Instead of just being glued to a screen, I can multitask and have a little drawing to lightly focus on while watching something I like.

3) Listen To Your Favorite Music

In my opinion, there’s almost no better feeling than being in your room and dancing like no one’s watching. Or in your car, singing like no one’s listening. While at home on break, most of us get to have much more privacy than we would in our dorm rooms, so take advantage of it! Find new artists to listen to, ask friends for their recommendations and just take a moment to sit with yourself and listen. Even discussing your Spotify Wrapped with someone can lead to new revelations about yourself and your tastes. Immersing yourself in music, and sharing it with others is one of the best forms of unique connection.

4) Treat Yourself

You tend to know yourself best at home. Surround yourself with your favorite things, childhood comforts, and small luxuries. I’ve found that one of my favorite things to do at home is putting my all into taking a bath. I’ll drive to Target, buy any vanilla scented bath bomb and body scrub, a good book and sit in the bath for around an hour. For other people, one of their favorite ways to treat themselves is by baking a treat for both them and their family to share. This act of gifting can also be a way to treat both you and those around you ( literally).

Sofia Patriquin

Cal State Chico '28

Sofia Patriquin is a freshman at California State University, Chico. She is currently majoring in English Literature, and plans to double minor in Creative Writing and Spanish. In her free time, she enjoys writing poetry, painting, learning new languages, doing Pilates, and spending time with friends. Sofia is from Davis, CA and when visiting home, she loves seeing friends, family, and the cows at UC Davis. Sofia went to Davis Senior High School and graduated in 2024. Sofia was also a competitive gymnast for a total of fourteen years, and was a track athlete for two years. During her summers in Davis, she lifeguards for the local pools, and cherishes her time with her coworkers. Sofia loves writing about pop culture, art, and feminism. She hopes to further improve her writing by being a part of Her Campus, and is ecstatic to be a part of the team.