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Ways To Love Yourself Amidst Mental Health Challenges

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Mental health can be a struggle for many people, especially in college when you have to balance school and relationships all while trying to figure out who you are as a person. There are many tips and tricks out there for self-care, but some of them just aren’t enough. Here are a few simple tips that I personally find helpful, to give yourself some love when you are struggling with mental health.

Number 1: Eat healthy

This tip is nothing new, everyone is always telling you that eating healthy will improve your life as a whole, but it really does work and there are many proven correlations between the food you eat and your mental health. Some foods that benefit mental health include berries, nuts,  leafy greens, and omega threes, which can be found in salmon and chia seeds. Minimize your consumption of processed foods and focus on natural and whole foods. Also, be mindful of your gut health. People often refer to the gut as a second brain, so taking care of your gut and making sure that it is healthy is extremely important in making sure your mental health is good. Although healthy choices are important, it is crucial to have moderation in your diet and not restrict the foods you enjoy as this will lead to poor mental health.

Number 2: Get outside 

Exercising and being outside have a countless number of benefits for your physical and emotional wellbeing. According to the American Psychological Association, spending time outdoors is proven to reduce stress, boost mood, and improve attention span. When people aren’t feeling well, it is very common to want to lie in bed and scroll on social media or watch Netflix. If you can push past that desire and get yourself out on a short walk the benefits are endless. My personal favorite ways to be outside include taking a walk or going on a hike. 

Number 3: Journal

While journaling can feel time consuming and daunting to think about, it can hold many benefits in improving mental health and helping people achieve their goals. Unloading everything you are thinking onto a journal can help reduce anxiety and overthinking and can also help you to become clear on your goals. If you don’t know where to start, don’t put too much thought into it, grab a notebook and a pen and write down everything you are thinking. Doing this thought download will allow you to free up some brain space and doing this over a long period of time allows you to draw patterns and establish triggers and set future goals. 

Number 4: Engage in activities that make you happy 

Again, when you are feeling depressed or anxious this can be extremely hard, but doing activities that make you happy is one of the best ways to improve mental health. It may be difficult to know what exactly makes you happy, in that case try out different things. Maybe you want to learn an instrument or how to garden, play around with different activities and see what brings you the most joy. Some activities in San Luis Obispo include classes at the rec center or joining one of the many clubs Cal Poly has to offer. 

Number 5: Practice gratitude

When you are struggling with mental health, it can be hard to see and be grateful for all the good in your life. Make sure to take note of and be aware of all the things you are grateful for. Doing this will help shift your brain to focus on the positives rather than the negatives, overall improving one’s mood and mental health. For me, if I am having a negative thought it helps to reword it in a positive way. For example I would reword “I have no motivation to exercise” as “I am so lucky my body is healthy and capable of moving.” Doing this helps to change the meanings around the words I say to myself and does wonders for my mental health. 

Mental health is such a prevalent struggle in society today that is often overlooked. While it can feel hopeless in the midst of it, there is always a way out and doing small things to show yourself love and compassion during a hard time can help you to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Gabi Blecher

Cal Poly '26

I am a second-year Journalism major at Cal Poly SLO. I love writing, spending time with friends and family, and being outdoors.